roomserver.go 4.7 KB
Newer Older
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// Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package consumers

import (
19 20 21 22 23 24 25


	log ""
28 29 30
	sarama ""

31 32
// OutputRoomEventConsumer consumes events that originated in the room server.
type OutputRoomEventConsumer struct {
33 34 35 36 37 38
	roomServerConsumer *common.ContinualConsumer
	db                 *accounts.Database
	query              api.RoomserverQueryAPI
	serverName         string

39 40
// NewOutputRoomEventConsumer creates a new OutputRoomEventConsumer. Call Start() to begin consuming from room servers.
func NewOutputRoomEventConsumer(
41 42 43 44
	cfg *config.Dendrite,
	kafkaConsumer sarama.Consumer,
	store *accounts.Database,
	queryAPI api.RoomserverQueryAPI,
) *OutputRoomEventConsumer {
46 47 48 49 50 51

	consumer := common.ContinualConsumer{
		Topic:          string(cfg.Kafka.Topics.OutputRoomEvent),
		Consumer:       kafkaConsumer,
		PartitionStore: store,
	s := &OutputRoomEventConsumer{
53 54
		roomServerConsumer: &consumer,
		db:                 store,
		query:              queryAPI,
56 57 58 59
		serverName:         string(cfg.Matrix.ServerName),
	consumer.ProcessMessage = s.onMessage

	return s
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// Start consuming from room servers
func (s *OutputRoomEventConsumer) Start() error {
65 66 67 68 69 70
	return s.roomServerConsumer.Start()

// onMessage is called when the sync server receives a new event from the room server output log.
// It is not safe for this function to be called from multiple goroutines, or else the
// sync stream position may race and be incorrectly calculated.
func (s *OutputRoomEventConsumer) onMessage(msg *sarama.ConsumerMessage) error {
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	// Parse out the event JSON
	var output api.OutputEvent
	if err := json.Unmarshal(msg.Value, &output); err != nil {
		// If the message was invalid, log it and move on to the next message in the stream
		log.WithError(err).Errorf("roomserver output log: message parse failure")
		return nil

	if output.Type != api.OutputTypeNewRoomEvent {
		log.WithField("type", output.Type).Debug(
			"roomserver output log: ignoring unknown output type",
		return nil

	ev := output.NewRoomEvent.Event
		"event_id": ev.EventID(),
		"room_id":  ev.RoomID(),
		"type":     ev.Type(),
	}).Info("received event from roomserver")

	events, err := s.lookupStateEvents(output.NewRoomEvent.AddsStateEventIDs, ev)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return s.db.UpdateMemberships(context.TODO(), events, output.NewRoomEvent.RemovesStateEventIDs)
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// lookupStateEvents looks up the state events that are added by a new event.
func (s *OutputRoomEventConsumer) lookupStateEvents(
104 105 106 107
	addsStateEventIDs []string, event gomatrixserverlib.Event,
) ([]gomatrixserverlib.Event, error) {
	// Fast path if there aren't any new state events.
	if len(addsStateEventIDs) == 0 {
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		// If the event is a membership update (e.g. for a profile update), it won't
		// show up in AddsStateEventIDs, so we need to add it manually
		if event.Type() == "" {
			return []gomatrixserverlib.Event{event}, nil
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
		return nil, nil

	// Fast path if the only state event added is the event itself.
	if len(addsStateEventIDs) == 1 && addsStateEventIDs[0] == event.EventID() {
		return []gomatrixserverlib.Event{event}, nil

	result := []gomatrixserverlib.Event{}
	missing := []string{}
	for _, id := range addsStateEventIDs {
		// Append the current event in the results if its ID is in the events list
		if id == event.EventID() {
			result = append(result, event)
		} else {
			// If the event isn't the current one, add it to the list of events
			// to retrieve from the roomserver
			missing = append(missing, id)

	// Request the missing events from the roomserver
	eventReq := api.QueryEventsByIDRequest{EventIDs: missing}
	var eventResp api.QueryEventsByIDResponse
	if err := s.query.QueryEventsByID(context.TODO(), &eventReq, &eventResp); err != nil {
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		return nil, err

	result = append(result, eventResp.Events...)

	return result, nil