提交 687ac6c5 编写于 作者: F Felixs


上级 02754393
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ import SelectFile from '@/components/selectFile/selectFile.vue'
{{- if .HasRichText }}
// 富文本组件
import RichEdit from '@/components/richtext/edit.vue'
import RichEdit from '@/components/richtext/rich-edit.vue'
{{- end }}
const route = useRoute()
......@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ import SelectImage from '@/components/selectImage/selectImage.vue'
{{- if .HasRichText }}
// 富文本组件
import RichEdit from '@/components/richtext/edit.vue'
import RichEdit from '@/components/richtext/rich-edit.vue'
{{- end }}
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