提交 7ea7a802 编写于 作者: Mr.奇淼('s avatar Mr.奇淼(

Merge branches 'master' and 'operation-record' of...

Merge branches 'master' and 'operation-record' of https://github.com/piexlmax/QMPlus into operation-record
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ swag init
## 4. 项目架构
### 4.1 系统架构图
### 4.2 前端详细设计图 (提供者:<a href="https://github.com/baobeisuper">baobeisuper</a>)
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ After executing the above command,`docs` will show in `server/`,then open yo
### 4.1 Architecture Diagram
![Architecture diagram](./docs/gin-vue-admin.png)
![Architecture diagram](http://qmplusimg.henrongyi.top/gva/gin-vue-admin.png)
### 4.2 Front-end Detailed Design Diagram (Contributor: <a href="https://github.com/baobeisuper">baobeisuper</a>)
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