提交 4f7f3e31 编写于 作者: G Gian Merlino 提交者: Fangjin Yang

CONTRIBUTING update for the github squash button. (#4087)

Some changes to the contributing guidelines to make pull requests
easier to review.
上级 8510a52e
......@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ When submitting a pull request (PR), please use the following guidelines:
git commit -a
1. Periodically rebase your changes
1. Before submitting a pull request, periodically rebase your changes
git pull --rebase
1. When done, combine ("squash") related commits into a single one
1. Before submitting a pull request, combine ("squash") related commits into a single one
git rebase -i upstream/master
......@@ -96,24 +96,24 @@ When submitting a pull request (PR), please use the following guidelines:
1. Addressing code review comments
Repeat steps 5. through 7. to address any code review comments and
rebase your changes if necessary.
Push your updated changes to update the pull request
Address code review comments by committing changes and pushing them to your feature
git push origin [--force] feature-xxx
git push origin feature-xxx
`--force` may be necessary to overwrite your existing pull request in case your
commit history was changed when performing the rebase.
Note: Be careful when using `--force` since you may lose data if you are not careful.
If your pull request shows conflicts with master, merge master into your feature branch
and resolve the conflicts. After resolving conflicts, push your branch again.
git push origin --force feature-xxx
git merge master
Avoid rebasing and force pushes after submitting a pull request, since these make it
difficult for reviewers to see what you've changed in response to their reviews. The Druid
committer that merges your change will rebase and squash it into a single commit before
committing it to master.
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