提交 dc6b44f1 编写于 作者: T Takeshi Hagikura 提交者: GitHub

Update the RecyclerView integration doc on how to set attributes (#203)

上级 4925eb97
......@@ -34,6 +34,28 @@ Here is a quick overview of the attributes/features comparison between the two c
*1 Partially possible by wrapping it with `ScrollView`. But it isn't likely to work with large set
of views inside the layout. Because it doesn't consider view recycling.
## Setting Flexbox attributes
You can set the attributes through Java code instead of settings those from XML for the `FlexboxLayoutManager`.
For example when you want change the `flexDirection` and `justifyContent`:
FlexboxLayoutManager layoutManager = new FlexboxLayoutManager();
or for the attributes for the children of the `FlexboxLayoutManager` you can do like:
ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = mImageView.getLayoutParams();
if (lp instanceof FlexboxLayoutManager.LayoutParams) {
FlexboxLayoutManager.LayoutParams flexboxLp = (FlexboxLayoutManager.LayoutParams)
## Backward-imcompatible changes from the 0.2.x versions
`FlexboxLayout` can still be used as the same way, but there are some backward-imcompatible
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