提交 8f026e83 编写于 作者: 门心叼龙's avatar 门心叼龙

add function

上级 427425dc
package temp;
* Description: <T1><br>
* Author: mxdl<br>
* Date: 2019/8/12<br>
* Version: V1.0.0<br>
* Update: <br>
public class T1 implements Runnable{
private int age;
public T1(){
this.age = 88;
public String getAge(String name,int age) {
return name+age;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
static int a;
static void test(){
int i = Integer.parseInt("1123");
String s = Integer.toString(12);
public void run() {
package temp;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
* Description: <T2><br>
* Author: mxdl<br>
* Date: 2019/8/12<br>
* Version: V1.0.0<br>
* Update: <br>
public class T2 {
public static void main(String[] args){
Class<T1> t1Class = T1.class;
try {
Constructor<T1> constructor = t1Class.getConstructor();
T1 o = constructor.newInstance();
Method ageMethord = t1Class.getMethod("getAge",String.class,float.class);
String res = (String) ageMethord.invoke(o,"gxl",11112);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
static void test(){
package temp;
* Description: <T3><br>
* Author: mxdl<br>
* Date: 2019/8/12<br>
* Version: V1.0.0<br>
* Update: <br>
public class T3 {
package temp;
* Description: <T4><br>
* Author: mxdl<br>
* Date: 2019/8/12<br>
* Version: V1.0.0<br>
* Update: <br>
public class T4 extends T1{
class T5 extends T1{
class T6 extends T2{
class T7 extends T3{
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