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# spring-security-jwt-guide
**如果国内访问缓慢的话,可以通过码云查看:** https://gitee.com/SnailClimb/spring-security-jwt-guide 。
## Setup
## 下载配置
1. git clone https://github.com/Snailclimb/spring-security-jwt-guide.git
2. 打开项目并且等待Maven下载好相关依赖。建议使用idea 打开,并确保你的idea 下载了 lombok插件。
3. 修改 `application.properties` 将数据库连接信息改成你自己的。
3. change `application.properties` change the database connection information parameter to your own
## Example
## 示例
### 1.Register an account
### 1.注册一个账号
### 2.Login
### 2.登录
### 3.Access resources that require authentication with the correct token
### 3.使用正确Token访问需要进行身份验证的资源
![Access resources that require authentication](https://my-blog-to-use.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/2019-7/3-visit-authenticated-resourse-have-token.png)
### 4.Access resources that require authentication without token
### 4.不带Token访问需要进行身份验证的资源
![Access resources that require authentication without token](https://my-blog-to-use.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/2019-7/4-visit-authenticated-resourse-not-have-token.png)
### 5.Access resources that require authentication with not correct token
### 5.使用不正确Token访问需要进行身份验证的资源
![Access resources that require authentication with not correct token](https://my-blog-to-use.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/2019-7/5-visit-authenticated-resourse-not-have-valid-token.png)
## Reference
## 参考
- https://dev.to/keysh/spring-security-with-jwt-3j76
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