提交 05241ab2 编写于 作者: S Shlomi Noach 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #106 from github/identify-gtid

Identify gtid
......@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ function normalizeInstance(instance) {
instance.replicationAttemptingToRun = instance.Slave_SQL_Running || instance.Slave_IO_Running;
instance.replicationLagReasonable = Math.abs(instance.SlaveLagSeconds.Int64 - instance.SQLDelay) <= 10;
instance.isSeenRecently = instance.SecondsSinceLastSeen.Valid && instance.SecondsSinceLastSeen.Int64 <= 3600;
instance.usingGTID = instance.UsingOracleGTID || instance.UsingMariaDBGTID;
instance.usingGTID = instance.UsingOracleGTID || instance.SupportsOracleGTID || instance.UsingMariaDBGTID;
instance.isMaxScale = (instance.Version.indexOf("maxscale") >= 0);
// used by cluster-tree
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