提交 498ad23e 编写于 作者: A Andrea Gelmini 提交者: Romain Vimont
上级 07a85b7c
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ brew install pkg-config meson
Additionally, if you want to build the server, install Java 8 from Caskroom, and
make it avaliable from the `PATH`:
make it available from the `PATH`:
brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ There are two [frames][video_buffer] simultaneously in memory:
- the **rendering** frame, rendered in a texture from the main thread.
When a new decoded frame is available, the decoder _swaps_ the decoding and
rendering frame (with proper synchronization). Thus, it immediatly starts
rendering frame (with proper synchronization). Thus, it immediately starts
to decode a new frame while the main thread renders the last one.
If a [recorder] is present (i.e. `--record` is enabled), then it muxes the raw
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
* Meta key / modifer state.
* Meta key / modifier state.
enum android_metastate {
/** No meta keys are pressed. */
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ convert_keycode_action(SDL_EventType from, enum android_keyevent_action *to) {
static enum android_metastate
autocomplete_metastate(enum android_metastate metastate) {
// fill dependant flags
// fill dependent flags
metastate |= AMETA_SHIFT_ON;
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ size_t
xstrncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n);
// join tokens by sep into dst
// returns the number of chars actually written (max n-1) if no trucation
// returns the number of chars actually written (max n-1) if no truncation
// occurred, or n if truncated
xstrjoin(char *dst, const char *const tokens[], char sep, size_t n);
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