docs: update README for usage

上级 a2df822c
# []( (2020-02-13)
# []( (2020-02-17)
## [0.0.3]( (2020-02-17)
### Bug Fixes
* fix refactor issue ([217d040](
* fix rename issue ([0033afc](
### Features
* <C#> add basic import support ([5a43504](
* <c#> add basic namespace support ([e65afed](
* <C#> add basic parameters support ([c97f5b3](
* <C#> add class function modifier support ([f8ea7c2](
* <C#> add class function name support ([94bcf52](
* <C#> add class int namespcae in namespcae support ([0e010e7](
* <C#> add className support ([9cb7a37](
* <C#> add compile all testing for not exception ([f032f95](
* <C#> add import as support ([256570c](
* <C#> add multiple class in same file support ([b36f839](
* <C#> add namespcae as container support ([9844b97](
* <C#> add namespcae in namespace support ([4b4d33b](
* <C#> add testing for namespace import ([29e9e65](
* <C#> add void return type support ([c00cc42](
* <C#> thiking in namespace ([0860886](
* <core> thinking in multiple package in files ([4a0f83d](
* <domain> add abstract class type ([27bf3f8](
* <domain> add containers for C# ([7643fbc](
* <domain> add struct type for python ([3f7647d](
* <domain> change type to enum type ([1b10fe4](
* <domain> remove unused ImportName ([0e98bf3](
* <scala> add class name support ([80b02e5](
* <scala> add class parameter support ([fb65773](
* <scala> add extend support ([0ecdbde](
* <scala> add inner object support ([cde2f0d](
* <SCALA> add object name support ([7a3850e](
* <scala> add object type for project ([1582c7a](
* <SCALA> add parameters for class for scala ([6431e34](
* <scala> add some dsl use case ([c9b7427](
* <scala> init code analyser ([62bb42f](
* <scala> init for function programming ([6733a89](
......@@ -38,7 +38,40 @@ TBC:
## Usage
### Import by Jitpack
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.phodal:chapi:Tag'
### Import by GitHub Packages
### Usage
import chapi.domain.core.CodeCall
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