typo: fix typo

上级 4bfabf75
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func (j *JavaFullApp) AnalysisFiles(identNodes []core_domain.CodeDataStruct, fil
for _, file := range files {
displayName := filepath.Base(file)
fmt.Println("Refactoring parse java call: " + displayName)
fmt.Println("parse java call: " + displayName)
parser := ast_java.ProcessJavaFile(file)
context := parser.CompilationUnit()
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ func (j *JavaApiApp) AnalysisPath(codeDir string, parsedDeps []core_domain.CodeD
file := files[index]
displayName := filepath.Base(file)
fmt.Println("Refactoring parse java call: " + displayName)
fmt.Println("parse java call: " + displayName)
parser := ast_java.ProcessJavaFile(file)
context := parser.CompilationUnit()
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ func (j *BadSmellApp) AnalysisPath(codeDir string) *[]bs_domain.BSDataStruct {
file := files[index]
displayName := filepath.Base(file)
fmt.Println("Refactoring parse java call: " + displayName)
fmt.Println("parse java call: " + displayName)
parser := ast_java.ProcessJavaFile(file)
context := parser.CompilationUnit()
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func (j *RemoveUnusedImportApp) Analysis() []models2.JFullIdentifier {
currentFile, _ = filepath.Abs(file)
displayName := filepath.Base(file)
fmt.Println("Refactoring parse java call: " + displayName)
fmt.Println("parse java call: " + displayName)
parser := ast_java.ProcessJavaFile(file)
context := parser.CompilationUnit()
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func buildComments(path string) []*astitodo.TODO {
file := files[index]
displayName := filepath.Base(file)
fmt.Println("Refactoring parse java call: " + displayName)
fmt.Println("parse java call: " + displayName)
is, _ := antlr.NewFileStream(file)
lexer := NewCommentLexer(is)
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