refactor: fix naming issues

上级 fd23a1be
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ func BuildMethodParameters(parameters parser.IFormalParametersContext) []core_do
return methodParams
func BuildMethodCallMethods(jMethodCall *core_domain.CodeCall, callee string, targetType string, ctx *parser.MethodCallContext) {
func BuildMethodCallMethod(jMethodCall *core_domain.CodeCall, callee string, targetType string, ctx *parser.MethodCallContext) {
methodName := callee
packageName := currentPkg
......@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ func (s *JavaFullListener) EnterMethodCall(ctx *parser.MethodCallContext) {
callee := ctx.GetChild(0).(antlr.ParseTree).GetText()
BuildMethodCallLocation(&jMethodCall, ctx, callee)
BuildMethodCallMethods(&jMethodCall, callee, targetType, ctx)
BuildMethodCallMethod(&jMethodCall, callee, targetType, ctx)
BuildMethodCallParameters(&jMethodCall, ctx)
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