test: update compare logic for windows

上级 bd3d52c3
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
// UpdateGolden writes out the golden files with the latest values, rather than failing the test.
......@@ -72,12 +73,22 @@ func compare(actual []byte, filename string) error {
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to read testdata %s", filename)
splitExcept := strings.Split(string(expected), "\n")
if len(splitExcept) >= 2 {
expectedWithoutEndLine := strings.Join(splitExcept[:len(splitExcept)-2], "")
splitActual := strings.Split(string(actual), "\n")
actualWithoutEndLine := strings.Join(splitActual[:len(splitActual)-2], "")
if expectedWithoutEndLine != actualWithoutEndLine {
return errors.Errorf("does not match golden file %s\n\nWANT:\n'%s'\n\nGOT:\n'%s'\n", filename, expected, actual)
if string(expected) != string(actual) {
return errors.Errorf("does not match golden file %s\n\nWANT:\n'%s'\n\nGOT:\n'%s'\n", filename, expected, actual)
//if !bytes.Equal(expected, actual) {
// return errors.Errorf("does not match golden file %s\n\nWANT:\n'%s'\n\nGOT:\n'%s'\n", filename, expected, actual)
return nil
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