未验证 提交 93e186e3 编写于 作者: P Phodal Huang

docs: update todo

上级 cd734417
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ BINARY_LINUX=$(BINARY_DIR)/$(PACKAGE_NAME)_linux
all: clean test build
all: clean bughunt build
build: build-linux build-windows build-macos
$(GOTEST) -v ./...
......@@ -10,34 +10,6 @@ Refactoring Modeling:
![Refactoring Modeling](docs/images/model.svg)
- [x] Show all todos and history
- [ ] Suggest API for Design Patterns
- [x] factory pattern
- [x] strategy
- [x] builder
- [ ] cycle-deps -> adapter / agency
- [ ] Docs
- [ ] Lifecycle for new projects: evaluate (cloc, bad smell, api, git, todo) -> design -> patterns (suggest) -> refactoring ()
- Evaluate API
- [x] Average Method Length
- [x] Average Class Method Count
- Date Collections
- [ ] monolithic
- [ ] microservice
- [ ] big data
- Badsmell
- [x] sort method size
- Tests
- [ ] Testable?
- [ ] Test badsmell
- [ ] Test bad smell list [https://testsmells.github.io/pages/testsmells.html]
- Arch
- [x] Architecture Visualization
- [ ] Architecture Guard
- [ ] DSL Design
## Usage
......@@ -460,6 +432,63 @@ results
## Todo
- [x] bad smell support
- [x] longParameterList
- [x] longMethod
- [x] repeatedSwitches
- [x] complexIf
- [x] largeClass
- [x] refusedBequest
- [x] dataClass
- [x] sort method size
- [x] CLOC
- [x] API Visualization
- [x] Spring Support
- [x] @Service Support
- [x] API Call Size
- [x] Git
- [x] Revs Counts
- [x] Summary
- [x] Concept
- [x] words NLP
- [x] call & rcall graph
- [x] Count Refs
- [x] AutoRefactor
- [x] remove unused
- [x] move files
- [x] Evaluate
- [x] nullable count
- [x] static count
- [x] method num /length count
- [x] Todo Summary
- [x] Todo with History & Author
- [x] Show all todos and history
- [ ] Suggest API for Design Patterns
- [x] factory pattern
- [x] strategy
- [x] builder
- [ ] cycle-deps -> adapter / agency
- [ ] Docs
- [ ] Lifecycle for new projects: evaluate (cloc, bad smell, api, git, todo) -> design -> patterns (suggest) -> refactoring ()
- Evaluate API
- [x] Average Method Length
- [x] Average Class Method Count
- Date Collections
- [ ] monolithic
- [ ] microservice
- [ ] big data
- Tests
- [ ] Testable?
- [ ] Test badsmell
- [x] Test bad smell list [https://testsmells.github.io/pages/testsmells.html]
- Arch
- [x] Architecture Visualization
- [ ] Architecture Guard
- [ ] DSL Design
## Dev
Install Go
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ var badsmellCmd = &cobra.Command{
ignoreRules := strings.Split(ignoreStr, ",")
bsApp := new(bs.BadSmellApp)
bsApp := *bs.NewBadSmellApp()
bsList := bsApp.AnalysisPath(importPath, ignoreRules)
bsModel, _ := json.MarshalIndent(bsList, "", "\t")
......@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ type BadSmellModel struct {
type BadSmellApp struct {
func NewBadSmellApp() *BadSmellApp {
return &BadSmellApp{}
func (j *BadSmellApp) AnalysisPath(codeDir string, ignoreRules []string) []BadSmellModel {
nodeInfos = nil
files := (*BadSmellApp)(nil).javaFiles(codeDir)
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