fix: [deps] remove unused java code in antlr & it will cause bugs

上级 89448828
......@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
lexer grammar GroovyLexer;
options {
superClass = AbstractLexer;
//options {
// superClass = AbstractLexer;
//@header {
// import static org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4.SemanticPredicates.*;
......@@ -214,7 +214,8 @@ StringLiteral
: GStringQuotationMark DqStringCharacter* GStringQuotationMark
| SqStringQuotationMark SqStringCharacter* SqStringQuotationMark
| Slash { this.isRegexAllowed() && _input.LA(1) != '*' }?
| Slash
// | Slash { this.isRegexAllowed() && _input.LA(1) != '*' }?
SlashyStringCharacter+ Slash
| TdqStringQuotationMark TdqStringCharacter* TdqStringQuotationMark
......@@ -230,10 +231,10 @@ TdqGStringBegin
: TdqStringQuotationMark TdqStringCharacter* Dollar -> type(GStringBegin), pushMode(TDQ_GSTRING_MODE), pushMode(GSTRING_TYPE_SELECTOR_MODE)
: Slash { this.isRegexAllowed() && _input.LA(1) != '*' }? SlashyStringCharacter* Dollar { isFollowedByJavaLetterInGString(_input) }? -> type(GStringBegin), pushMode(SLASHY_GSTRING_MODE), pushMode(GSTRING_TYPE_SELECTOR_MODE)
: Slash SlashyStringCharacter* Dollar -> type(GStringBegin), pushMode(SLASHY_GSTRING_MODE), pushMode(GSTRING_TYPE_SELECTOR_MODE)
: DollarSlashyGStringQuotationMarkBegin DollarSlashyStringCharacter* Dollar { isFollowedByJavaLetterInGString(_input) }? -> type(GStringBegin), pushMode(DOLLAR_SLASHY_GSTRING_MODE), pushMode(GSTRING_TYPE_SELECTOR_MODE)
: DollarSlashyGStringQuotationMarkBegin DollarSlashyStringCharacter* Dollar -> type(GStringBegin), pushMode(DOLLAR_SLASHY_GSTRING_MODE), pushMode(GSTRING_TYPE_SELECTOR_MODE)
......@@ -263,7 +264,7 @@ SlashyGStringEnd
: Dollar? Slash -> type(GStringEnd), popMode
: Dollar { isFollowedByJavaLetterInGString(_input) }? -> type(GStringPart), pushMode(GSTRING_TYPE_SELECTOR_MODE)
: Dollar -> type(GStringPart), pushMode(GSTRING_TYPE_SELECTOR_MODE)
: SlashyStringCharacter -> more
......@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ DollarSlashyGStringEnd
: DollarSlashyGStringQuotationMarkEnd -> type(GStringEnd), popMode
: Dollar { isFollowedByJavaLetterInGString(_input) }? -> type(GStringPart), pushMode(GSTRING_TYPE_SELECTOR_MODE)
: Dollar -> type(GStringPart), pushMode(GSTRING_TYPE_SELECTOR_MODE)
: DollarSlashyStringCharacter -> more
......@@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ DollarSlashyGStringCharacter
: '{' { this.enterParen(); } -> type(LBRACE), popMode, pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE)
: '{' -> type(LBRACE), popMode, pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE)
: IdentifierInGString -> type(Identifier), popMode, pushMode(GSTRING_PATH_MODE)
......@@ -294,14 +295,7 @@ GStringPathPart
: Dot IdentifierInGString
: . {
// a trick to handle GStrings followed by EOF properly
if (EOF == _input.LA(1) && ('"' == _input.LA(-1) || '/' == _input.LA(-1))) {
} else {
} -> popMode
: . -> popMode
......@@ -323,29 +317,29 @@ SqStringCharacter
// character in the triple double quotation string. e.g. """a"""
fragment TdqStringCharacter
: ~["\\$]
| GStringQuotationMark { _input.LA(1) != '"' || _input.LA(2) != '"' || _input.LA(3) == '"' && (_input.LA(4) != '"' || _input.LA(5) != '"') }?
| GStringQuotationMark
| EscapeSequence
// character in the triple single quotation string. e.g. '''a'''
fragment TsqStringCharacter
: ~['\\]
| SqStringQuotationMark { _input.LA(1) != '\'' || _input.LA(2) != '\'' || _input.LA(3) == '\'' && (_input.LA(4) != '\'' || _input.LA(5) != '\'') }?
| SqStringQuotationMark
| EscapeSequence
// character in the slashy string. e.g. /a/
fragment SlashyStringCharacter
: SlashEscape
| Dollar { !isFollowedByJavaLetterInGString(_input) }?
| Dollar
| ~[/$\u0000]
// character in the collar slashy string. e.g. $/a/$
fragment DollarSlashyStringCharacter
: SlashEscape | DollarSlashEscape | DollarDollarEscape
| Slash { _input.LA(1) != '$' }?
| Dollar { !isFollowedByJavaLetterInGString(_input) }?
| Slash
| Dollar
| ~[/$\u0000]
......@@ -456,10 +450,12 @@ IntegerLiteral
| HexIntegerLiteral
| OctalIntegerLiteral
| BinaryIntegerLiteral
) (Underscore { require(false, "Number ending with underscores is invalid", -1, true); })?
) (Underscore)?
// { require(false, "Number ending with underscores is invalid", -1, true); }
// !!! Error Alternative !!!
| Zero ([0-9] { invalidDigitCount++; })+ { require(false, "Invalid octal number", -(invalidDigitCount + 1), true); } IntegerTypeSuffix?
| Zero ([0-9])+ IntegerTypeSuffix?
// | Zero ([0-9] { invalidDigitCount++; })+ { require(false, "Invalid octal number", -(invalidDigitCount + 1), true); } IntegerTypeSuffix?
......@@ -598,7 +594,7 @@ BinaryDigitOrUnderscore
: ( DecimalFloatingPointLiteral
| HexadecimalFloatingPointLiteral
) (Underscore { require(false, "Number ending with underscores is invalid", -1, true); })?
) (Underscore)?
......@@ -793,18 +789,25 @@ NOT_IDENTICAL : '!==';
ARROW : '->';
// !internalPromise will be parsed as !in ternalPromise, so semantic predicates are necessary
NOT_INSTANCEOF : '!instanceof' { isFollowedBy(_input, ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n') }?;
NOT_IN : '!in' { isFollowedBy(_input, ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n', '[', '(', '{') }?;
NOT_INSTANCEOF : '!instanceof' ;
NOT_IN : '!in' ;
// §3.11 Separators
LPAREN : '(' { this.enterParen(); } -> pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE);
RPAREN : ')' { this.exitParen(); } -> popMode;
LBRACE : '{' { this.enterParen(); } -> pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE);
RBRACE : '}' { this.exitParen(); } -> popMode;
LBRACK : '[' { this.enterParen(); } -> pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE);
RBRACK : ']' { this.exitParen(); } -> popMode;
LPAREN : '(' -> pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE);
RPAREN : ')' -> popMode;
LBRACE : '{' -> pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE);
RBRACE : '}' -> popMode;
LBRACK : '[' -> pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE);
RBRACK : ']' -> popMode;
//LPAREN : '(' { this.enterParen(); } -> pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE);
//RPAREN : ')' { this.exitParen(); } -> popMode;
//LBRACE : '{' { this.enterParen(); } -> pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE);
//RBRACE : '}' { this.exitParen(); } -> popMode;
//LBRACK : '[' { this.enterParen(); } -> pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE);
//RBRACK : ']' { this.exitParen(); } -> popMode;
SEMI : ';';
COMMA : ',';
......@@ -925,23 +928,23 @@ WS : ([ \t\u000C]+ | LineEscape+) -> skip
// Inside (...) and [...] but not {...}, ignore newlines.
NL : '\r'? '\n' { this.ignoreTokenInsideParens(); }
NL : '\r'? '\n'
// Multiple-line comments(including groovydoc comments)
: '/*' .*? '*/' { this.ignoreMultiLineCommentConditionally(); } -> type(NL)
: '/*' .*? '*/' -> type(NL)
// Single-line comments
: '//' ~[\r\n\uFFFF]* { this.ignoreTokenInsideParens(); } -> type(NL)
: '//' ~[\r\n\uFFFF]* -> type(NL)
// Script-header comments.
// The very first characters of the file may be "#!". If so, ignore the first line.
: '#!' { require(0 == this.tokenIndex, "Shebang comment should appear at the first line", -2, true); } ~[\r\n\uFFFF]* -> skip
: '#!' ~[\r\n\uFFFF]* -> skip
// Unexpected characters will be handled by groovy parser later.
......@@ -194,6 +194,12 @@ UNEXPECTED_CHAR=129
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ parser grammar GroovyParser;
options {
tokenVocab = GroovyLexer;
contextSuperClass = GroovyParserRuleContext;
superClass = AbstractParser;
// contextSuperClass = GroovyParserRuleContext;
// superClass = AbstractParser;
//@header {
......@@ -459,8 +459,8 @@ literal
: IntegerLiteral #integerLiteralAlt
| FloatingPointLiteral #floatingPointLiteralAlt
| stringLiteral #stringLiteralAlt
| BooleanLiteral #booleanLiteralAlt
| NullLiteral #nullLiteralAlt
| BooleanLiteral #boolLiteralAlt
| NullLiteral #nilLiteralAlt
......@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ blockStatement
: { !SemanticPredicates.isInvalidLocalVariableDeclaration(_input) }?
: // { !SemanticPredicates.isInvalidLocalVariableDeclaration(_input) }?
......@@ -678,8 +678,7 @@ statement
| localVariableDeclaration #localVariableDeclarationStmtAlt
// validate the method in the AstBuilder#visitMethodDeclaration, e.g. method without method body is not allowed
| { !SemanticPredicates.isInvalidMethodDeclaration(_input) }?
methodDeclaration[3, 9] #methodDeclarationStmtAlt
| methodDeclaration[3, 9] #methodDeclarationStmtAlt
| statementExpression #expressionStmtAlt
......@@ -761,14 +760,12 @@ expressionInPar
: LPAREN enhancedStatementExpression rparen
expressionList[boolean canSpread]
expressionList[bool canSpread]
: expressionListElement[$canSpread] (COMMA expressionListElement[$canSpread])*
expressionListElement[boolean canSpread]
: ( MUL { require($canSpread, "spread operator is not allowed here", -1); }
) expression
expressionListElement[bool canSpread]
: (MUL | ) expression
......@@ -902,7 +899,6 @@ enhancedExpression
: expression
{ !SemanticPredicates.isFollowingArgumentsOrClosure($expression.ctx) }?
/* if pathExpression is a method call, no need to have any more arguments */
......@@ -1157,7 +1153,7 @@ identifier
// if 'static' followed by DOT, we can treat them as identifiers, e.g. static.unused = { -> }
{ DOT == _input.LT(2).getType() }?
// { DOT == _input.LT(2).getType() }?
| IN
// | DEF
......@@ -1231,7 +1227,7 @@ rparen
// !!!Error Alternative, impact the performance of parsing
{ require(false, "Missing ')'"); }
// { require(false, "Missing ')'"); }
......@@ -194,6 +194,12 @@ UNEXPECTED_CHAR=129
......@@ -194,6 +194,12 @@ UNEXPECTED_CHAR=129
......@@ -389,17 +389,17 @@ func (s *BaseGroovyParserListener) EnterStringLiteralAlt(ctx *StringLiteralAltCo
// ExitStringLiteralAlt is called when production stringLiteralAlt is exited.
func (s *BaseGroovyParserListener) ExitStringLiteralAlt(ctx *StringLiteralAltContext) {}
// EnterBooleanLiteralAlt is called when production booleanLiteralAlt is entered.
func (s *BaseGroovyParserListener) EnterBooleanLiteralAlt(ctx *BooleanLiteralAltContext) {}
// EnterBoolLiteralAlt is called when production boolLiteralAlt is entered.
func (s *BaseGroovyParserListener) EnterBoolLiteralAlt(ctx *BoolLiteralAltContext) {}
// ExitBooleanLiteralAlt is called when production booleanLiteralAlt is exited.
func (s *BaseGroovyParserListener) ExitBooleanLiteralAlt(ctx *BooleanLiteralAltContext) {}
// ExitBoolLiteralAlt is called when production boolLiteralAlt is exited.
func (s *BaseGroovyParserListener) ExitBoolLiteralAlt(ctx *BoolLiteralAltContext) {}
// EnterNullLiteralAlt is called when production nullLiteralAlt is entered.
func (s *BaseGroovyParserListener) EnterNullLiteralAlt(ctx *NullLiteralAltContext) {}
// EnterNilLiteralAlt is called when production nilLiteralAlt is entered.
func (s *BaseGroovyParserListener) EnterNilLiteralAlt(ctx *NilLiteralAltContext) {}
// ExitNullLiteralAlt is called when production nullLiteralAlt is exited.
func (s *BaseGroovyParserListener) ExitNullLiteralAlt(ctx *NullLiteralAltContext) {}
// ExitNilLiteralAlt is called when production nilLiteralAlt is exited.
func (s *BaseGroovyParserListener) ExitNilLiteralAlt(ctx *NilLiteralAltContext) {}
// EnterGstring is called when production gstring is entered.
func (s *BaseGroovyParserListener) EnterGstring(ctx *GstringContext) {}
......@@ -185,11 +185,11 @@ type GroovyParserListener interface {
// EnterStringLiteralAlt is called when entering the stringLiteralAlt production.
EnterStringLiteralAlt(c *StringLiteralAltContext)
// EnterBooleanLiteralAlt is called when entering the booleanLiteralAlt production.
EnterBooleanLiteralAlt(c *BooleanLiteralAltContext)
// EnterBoolLiteralAlt is called when entering the boolLiteralAlt production.
EnterBoolLiteralAlt(c *BoolLiteralAltContext)
// EnterNullLiteralAlt is called when entering the nullLiteralAlt production.
EnterNullLiteralAlt(c *NullLiteralAltContext)
// EnterNilLiteralAlt is called when entering the nilLiteralAlt production.
EnterNilLiteralAlt(c *NilLiteralAltContext)
// EnterGstring is called when entering the gstring production.
EnterGstring(c *GstringContext)
......@@ -791,11 +791,11 @@ type GroovyParserListener interface {
// ExitStringLiteralAlt is called when exiting the stringLiteralAlt production.
ExitStringLiteralAlt(c *StringLiteralAltContext)
// ExitBooleanLiteralAlt is called when exiting the booleanLiteralAlt production.
ExitBooleanLiteralAlt(c *BooleanLiteralAltContext)
// ExitBoolLiteralAlt is called when exiting the boolLiteralAlt production.
ExitBoolLiteralAlt(c *BoolLiteralAltContext)
// ExitNullLiteralAlt is called when exiting the nullLiteralAlt production.
ExitNullLiteralAlt(c *NullLiteralAltContext)
// ExitNilLiteralAlt is called when exiting the nilLiteralAlt production.
ExitNilLiteralAlt(c *NilLiteralAltContext)
// ExitGstring is called when exiting the gstring production.
ExitGstring(c *GstringContext)
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