refactor: extract attr

上级 eeb1757f
......@@ -165,28 +165,14 @@ func (fullGraph *FullGraph) ToMapDot(node *GraphNode) *gographviz.Graph {
layerIndex := 1
nodeIndex := 1
layerAttr := make(map[string]string)
layerAttr["label"] = "\"" + node.text + "\""
layerName := "cluster" + strconv.Itoa(layerIndex)
_ = graph.AddSubGraph("G", layerName, layerAttr)
for _, child := range node.children {
attrs := make(map[string]string)
attrs["label"] = "\"" + child.text + "\""
attrs["shape"] = "box"
_ = graph.AddNode(layerName, "node"+strconv.Itoa(nodeIndex), attrs)
nodes[node.text] = "node" + strconv.Itoa(nodeIndex)
fullGraph.buildGraphNode(node, layerIndex, graph, nodeIndex, nodes)
cross := make(map[string]bool) // mapping from strings to ints
for key := range fullGraph.RelationList {
relation := fullGraph.RelationList[key]
if nodes[relation.From] != "" && nodes[relation.To] != "" {
fromNode := nodes[relation.From]
toNode := nodes[relation.To]
cross[fromNode+toNode] = true
attrs := make(map[string]string)
attrs["style"] = relation.Style
......@@ -197,6 +183,31 @@ func (fullGraph *FullGraph) ToMapDot(node *GraphNode) *gographviz.Graph {
return graph
func (fullGraph *FullGraph) buildGraphNode(node *GraphNode, layerIndex int, graph *gographviz.Graph, nodeIndex int, nodes map[string]string) {
layerAttr, layerName := buildLayerAttr(node, layerIndex)
_ = graph.AddSubGraph("G", layerName, layerAttr)
for _, child := range node.children {
_ = graph.AddNode(layerName, "node"+strconv.Itoa(nodeIndex), fullGraph.buildRelationAttr(child))
nodes[node.text] = "node" + strconv.Itoa(nodeIndex)
func buildLayerAttr(node *GraphNode, layerIndex int) (map[string]string, string) {
layerAttr := make(map[string]string)
layerAttr["label"] = "\"" + node.text + "\""
layerName := "cluster" + strconv.Itoa(layerIndex)
return layerAttr, layerName
func (fullGraph *FullGraph) buildRelationAttr(child *GraphNode) map[string]string {
attrs := make(map[string]string)
attrs["label"] = "\"" + child.text + "\""
attrs["shape"] = "box"
return attrs
func buildNode(arr []string, node *GraphNode) *GraphNode {
if node.text == arr[0] {
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