refactor: try to fix testing issues

上级 39122071
......@@ -621,11 +621,23 @@ impl IRuleRegistry for Grammar {
mod tests {
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::io::{Write, Read};
use crate::grammar::{Grammar, StackElement};
use crate::rule::abstract_rule::RuleEnum;
use crate::rule::IRuleRegistry;
use std::path::Path;
use crate::inter::IRawGrammar;
pub fn to_grammar_for_test(grammar_path: &str) -> Grammar {
let path = Path::new(grammar_path);
let mut file = File::open(path).unwrap();
let mut data = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut data).unwrap();
let g: IRawGrammar = serde_json::from_str(&data).unwrap();
fn should_build_grammar_json() {
......@@ -645,7 +657,7 @@ return 0;
fn should_identify_c_include() {
let code = "#include <stdio.h>";
let mut grammar = Grammar::to_grammar("test-cases/first-mate/fixtures/c.json");
let mut grammar = to_grammar_for_test("test-cases/first-mate/fixtures/c.json");
let mut rule_stack = Some(StackElement::null());
let result = grammar.tokenize_line(String::from(code), &mut rule_stack);
......@@ -738,8 +750,7 @@ hellomake: $(OBJ)
fn should_resolve_make_file_error_issues() {
let code = "%.o: %.c $(DEPS)";
let mut grammar =
to_grammar_with_code("test-cases/first-mate/fixtures/makefile.json", code);
let mut grammar = to_grammar_for_test("scie-grammar/test-cases/first-mate/fixtures/makefile.json");
let result = grammar.tokenize_line(String::from("%.o: %.c $(DEPS)"), &mut None);
let tokens = result.tokens.clone();
assert_eq!(7, tokens.len());
......@@ -772,7 +783,7 @@ hellomake: $(OBJ)
fn to_grammar_with_code(grammar_path: &str, code: &str) -> Grammar {
let mut grammar = Grammar::to_grammar(grammar_path);
let mut grammar = to_grammar_for_test(grammar_path);
let c_code = String::from(code);
let mut rule_stack = Some(StackElement::null());
for line in c_code.lines() {
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