• J
    Adds a script to format and check formatting. · 57b744c1
    Jesse Zhang 提交于
    This is intended for both local developer use and for CI.
    This depends on GNU parallel. One-time install:
    macOS: brew install parallel clang-format
    Debian: apt install parallel clang-format-10
    To format all ORCA / GPOPT code:
    $ src/tools/fmt fmt
    To check for formatting conformance:
    $ src/tools/fmt chk
    To modify the configuration, you'll need two steps:
    1. Edit clang-format.intent.yml
    2. Generate the expanded configuration file:
    $ src/tools/fmt gen
    This commit also adds a formatting README, To document some of the
    rationale behind tooling choice. Also mention the new `README.format.md`
    from both the style guide and ORCA's main README.
README.md 8.0 KB