• N
    ic-proxy: implement the core logic · 6188fb1f
    Ning Yu 提交于
    The interconnect proxy mode, a.k.a. ic-proxy, is a new interconnect
    mode, all the backends communicate via a proxy bgworker, all the
    backends on the same segment share the same proxy bgworker, so every two
    segments only need one network connection between them, which reduces
    the network flows as well the ports.
    To enable the proxy mode we need to first configure the guc
    gp_interconnect_proxy_addresses, for example:
        gpconfig \
          -c gp_interconnect_proxy_addresses \
          -v "'1:-1:,2:0:,3:1:'" \
    Then restart to take effect.
ic_proxy_key.c 4.3 KB