• A
    Exclude tests that inject faults when faultinjector is disabled · 8b897b12
    Asim R P 提交于
    If faultinjector is not enabled during configuration, this patch
    identifies tests that use faultinjector and excludes them from running.
    A new option "--exclude-file" is added to pg_regress.  It specifies a
    file having names of tests, one per line, to be excluded from running.
    The global makefile is changed so that the exclude file creation and
    adding the --exclude-file option to pg_regress (and
    pg_isolation*regress) command line is taken care of automatically.
    However, one must perform these actions manually if pg_regress needs to
    be directly invoked from command line (instead of a make target).
    Running tests with faultinjector disabled is not a common developer
    workflow, so this should be acceptable.
    The advantage of changing global makefile is that all test frameworks
    that are based on pg_regress, such as isolation and also contrib modules
    need no change to their makefiles.  For example, if one creates a
    isolation test with faultinjector, simply add it to the right schedule,
    it will automatically be excluded from running when faultinjector is not
Makefile 431 字节