提交 04e43e64 编写于 作者: A Adam Berlin 提交者: Adam Berlin

Avoid PANIC on multiple function execution when using ORCA

A cached query planned statement contains information that is
freed after the first execution of a function. The second execution
used the cached planned statement to populate the execution state
using a freed pointer and throws a segmentation fault.

To resolve, we copy the contents out of the planned statement rather
than copying a pointer to the planned statement, so that when our
executor state gets freed, it does not also free the cached data.

Note: `numSelectorsPerScanId` is the problematic property, and is only
used for partition tables.
Co-authored-by: NDavid Kimura <dkimura@pivotal.io>
Co-authored-by: NTaylor Vesely <tvesely@pivotal.io>
上级 9d41f886
......@@ -208,28 +208,6 @@ CreateExecutorState(void)
return estate;
* freeDynamicTableScanInfo
* Free the space for DynamicTableScanInfo.
static void
freeDynamicTableScanInfo(DynamicTableScanInfo *scanInfo)
Assert(scanInfo != NULL);
if (scanInfo->partsMetadata != NIL)
if (scanInfo->numSelectorsPerScanId != NIL)
/* ----------------
* FreeExecutorState
......@@ -270,15 +248,7 @@ FreeExecutorState(EState *estate)
estate->dispatcherState = NULL;
* Free dynamicTableScanInfo.
if (estate->dynamicTableScanInfo != NULL)
estate->dynamicTableScanInfo = NULL;
estate->dynamicTableScanInfo = NULL;
* Free the per-query memory context, thereby releasing all working
CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS partition_with_user_defined_function;
-- Given there is a partitioned table
create table partition_with_user_defined_function.some_partitioned_table
a integer
partition by range (a) (
partition b start (0)
NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause -- Using column named 'a' as the Greenplum Database data distribution key for this table.
HINT: The 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause determines the distribution of data. Make sure column(s) chosen are the optimal data distribution key to minimize skew.
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "some_partitioned_table_1_prt_b" for table "some_partitioned_table"
-- And a function that queried the partitioned table
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partition_with_user_defined_function.query_a_partition_table() RETURNS VOID AS
PERFORM * FROM partition_with_user_defined_function.some_partitioned_table;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- When I call the function twice
select partition_with_user_defined_function.query_a_partition_table();
(1 row)
-- Then I get the same result both times (no rows)
-- Note: We're using a cached plan that includes a Dynamic Table Scan.
-- Ensure the dynamic table scan information in the cached plan does not get freed.
select partition_with_user_defined_function.query_a_partition_table();
(1 row)
CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS partition_with_user_defined_function;
-- Given there is a partitioned table
create table partition_with_user_defined_function.some_partitioned_table
a integer
partition by range (a) (
partition b start (0)
NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause -- Using column named 'a' as the Greenplum Database data distribution key for this table.
HINT: The 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause determines the distribution of data. Make sure column(s) chosen are the optimal data distribution key to minimize skew.
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "some_partitioned_table_1_prt_b" for table "some_partitioned_table"
-- And a function that queried the partitioned table
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partition_with_user_defined_function.query_a_partition_table() RETURNS VOID AS
PERFORM * FROM partition_with_user_defined_function.some_partitioned_table;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- When I call the function twice
select partition_with_user_defined_function.query_a_partition_table();
(1 row)
-- Then I get the same result both times (no rows)
-- Note: We're using a cached plan that includes a Dynamic Table Scan.
-- Ensure the dynamic table scan information in the cached plan does not get freed.
select partition_with_user_defined_function.query_a_partition_table();
(1 row)
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ test: rangefuncs_cdb gp_dqa subselect_gp subselect_gp2 gp_transactions olap_grou
# 'partition' runs for a long time, so try to keep it together with other
# long-running tests.
test: partition partition1 partition_indexing parruleord partition_storage partition_ddl
test: partition partition1 partition_indexing parruleord partition_storage partition_ddl partition_with_user_defined_function
# 'partition_locking' gets confused if other backends run concurrently and
# hold locks.
test: partition_locking
CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS partition_with_user_defined_function;
-- Given there is a partitioned table
create table partition_with_user_defined_function.some_partitioned_table
a integer
partition by range (a) (
partition b start (0)
-- And a function that queried the partitioned table
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partition_with_user_defined_function.query_a_partition_table() RETURNS VOID AS
PERFORM * FROM partition_with_user_defined_function.some_partitioned_table;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- When I call the function twice
select partition_with_user_defined_function.query_a_partition_table();
-- Then I get the same result both times (no rows)
-- Note: We're using a cached plan that includes a Dynamic Table Scan.
-- Ensure the dynamic table scan information in the cached plan does not get freed.
select partition_with_user_defined_function.query_a_partition_table();
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