提交 5001751a 编写于 作者: P Pengzhou Tang 提交者: Tang Pengzhou

Fix 'distribution_policy' issue on replicated table by gpcheckcat

'distribution_policy' test do constraints check on randomly-distributed
tables, however, attrnums = null in gp_distribution_policy is no longer
effective to identify a randomly distributed table after we involved new
replicated distributed policy, so add more filter to make things right.
上级 6a343b61
......@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ def checkDistribPolicy():
join pg_class rel on (pk.conrelid = rel.oid)
join pg_namespace n on (rel.relnamespace = n.oid)
join gp_distribution_policy d on (rel.oid = d.localoid)
where pk.contype in('p', 'u') and d.attrnums is null
where pk.contype in('p', 'u') and d.policytype = 'p' and d.attrnums is null
db = connect2(GV.cfg[1])
......@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ def checkDistribPolicy():
join pg_class rel on (pk.conrelid = rel.oid)
join pg_namespace n on (rel.relnamespace = n.oid)
join gp_distribution_policy d on (rel.oid = d.localoid)
where pk.contype in ('p', 'u') and
where pk.contype in ('p', 'u') and d.policytype = 'p' and
(d.attrnums is null or not
d.attrnums operator(pg_catalog.<@) pk.conkey)
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