未验证 提交 683f767c 编写于 作者: H Hans Zeller 提交者: GitHub

Detect window functions plus correlated subquery in target list and fall back (#10265)

We found that when we have window functions and also correlated subqueries in the
same target list, the CQueryMutators::NormalizeWindowProjList method would leave
the varattno attributes of outer references in the subquery unchanged. That needs
to be changed, since we are producing a different RTE for the query.

We will eventually create a fix. For now, this PR just searches for the
problem and triggers a fallback when we see it, to avoid incorrect results.
Co-authored-by: NAbhijit Subramanya <asubramanya@pivotal.io>
Co-authored-by: NHans Zeller <hzeller@vmware.com>
上级 3c01cbaf
......@@ -494,6 +494,23 @@ gpdb::WalkExpressionTree
return false;
Query *node,
bool (*walker) (),
void *context,
int flags
return query_tree_walker(node, walker, context, flags);
return false;
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ CQueryMutators::ShouldFallback
return false;
return gpdb::WalkExpressionTree(node, (FallbackWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::ShouldFallback, context);
return gpdb::WalkExpressionTree(node, (ExprWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::ShouldFallback, context);
......@@ -1582,6 +1582,13 @@ CQueryMutators::NormalizeWindowProjList
if (HasOuterRefs((Node *) target_entry->expr, NULL))
// We currently don't support this situation, so fall back.
GPOS_WSZ_LIT("Window functions and correlated subqueries appear together in select list"));
// normalize target list entry
Expr *pexprNew = (Expr*) RunWindowProjListMutator( (Node*) target_entry->expr, &context);
TargetEntry *new_target_entry = gpdb::MakeTargetEntry(pexprNew, ulResNoNew, target_entry->resname, target_entry->resjunk);
......@@ -1788,4 +1795,42 @@ CQueryMutators::ReassignSortClause
derived_table_query->limitCount = NULL;
// CQueryMutators::HasOuterRefs
// Search the tree for any outer refs.
Node *node,
void *context
if (NULL == node)
return false;
if (IsA(node, Var))
Var *var = (Var *) node;
if (0 < var->varlevelsup)
// we found an outer ref
return true;
return false;
if (IsA(node, Query))
return gpdb::WalkQueryTree((Query *) node, (ExprWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::HasOuterRefs, context, 0);
return gpdb::WalkExpressionTree(node, (ExprWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::HasOuterRefs, context);
// EOF
......@@ -491,6 +491,9 @@ namespace gpdb {
// expression tree walker
bool WalkExpressionTree(Node *node, bool(*walker)(), void *context);
// query tree walkers, descend into subqueries
bool WalkQueryTree(Query *node, bool (*walker) (), void *context, int flags);
// query or expression tree walker
bool WalkQueryOrExpressionTree(Node *node, bool(*walker)(), void *context, int flags);
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace gpdxl
class CQueryMutators
typedef Node *(*MutatorWalkerFn) ();
typedef BOOL (*FallbackWalkerFn) ();
typedef BOOL (*ExprWalkerFn) ();
typedef struct SContextGrpbyPlMutator
......@@ -270,6 +270,10 @@ namespace gpdxl
// reassign the sorting clause from the derived table to the new top-level query
void ReassignSortClause(Query *top_level_query, Query *derive_table_query);
BOOL HasOuterRefs(Node *node, void *context);
#endif // GPDXL_CWalkerUtils_H
......@@ -6547,6 +6547,8 @@ insert into orca_w2 select i, i from generate_series(2, 4) i;
insert into orca_w3 select i, i from generate_series(3, 5) i;
-- outer ref in subquery in target list and window func in target list
select (select b from orca_w3 where a = orca_w1.a) as one, row_number() over(partition by orca_w1.a) as two from orca_w2, orca_w1;
INFO: GPORCA failed to produce a plan, falling back to planner
DETAIL: Feature not supported: Window functions and correlated subqueries appear together in select list
one | two
| 1
......@@ -6562,6 +6564,8 @@ select (select b from orca_w3 where a = orca_w1.a) as one, row_number() over(par
-- aggref in subquery with window func in target list
select orca_w1.a, (select sum(orca_w2.a) from orca_w2 where orca_w1.b = orca_w2.b), count(*), rank() over (order by orca_w1.b) from orca_w1 group by orca_w1.a, orca_w1.b order by orca_w1.a;
INFO: GPORCA failed to produce a plan, falling back to planner
DETAIL: Feature not supported: Window functions and correlated subqueries appear together in select list
a | sum | count | rank
1 | | 1 | 1
......@@ -6580,6 +6584,8 @@ select orca_w1.a, (select rank() over (order by orca_w1.b) from orca_w2 where or
-- window function with empty partition clause inside subquery inside target list with outer ref
select (select rank() over() from orca_w3 where a = orca_w1.a) as one, row_number() over(partition by orca_w1.a) as two from orca_w1, orca_w2;
INFO: GPORCA failed to produce a plan, falling back to planner
DETAIL: Feature not supported: Window functions and correlated subqueries appear together in select list
one | two
| 1
......@@ -6602,6 +6608,8 @@ select (select a from orca_w3 where a = orca_w1.a) as one from orca_w1 where orc
-- window function in subquery inside target list with outer ref in partition clause
select (select rank() over(partition by orca_w2.a) from orca_w3 where a = orca_w1.a) as one, row_number() over(partition by orca_w1.a) as two from orca_w1, orca_w2 order by orca_w1.a;
INFO: GPORCA failed to produce a plan, falling back to planner
DETAIL: Feature not supported: Window functions and correlated subqueries appear together in select list
one | two
| 2
......@@ -6617,6 +6625,8 @@ select (select rank() over(partition by orca_w2.a) from orca_w3 where a = orca_w
-- window function in subquery inside target list with outer ref in order clause
select (select rank() over(order by orca_w2.a) from orca_w3 where a = orca_w1.a) as one, row_number() over(partition by orca_w1.a) as two from orca_w1, orca_w2 order by orca_w1.a;
INFO: GPORCA failed to produce a plan, falling back to planner
DETAIL: Feature not supported: Window functions and correlated subqueries appear together in select list
one | two
| 2
......@@ -6632,6 +6642,8 @@ select (select rank() over(order by orca_w2.a) from orca_w3 where a = orca_w1.a)
-- window function with outer ref in arguments
select (select sum(orca_w1.a + a) over(order by b) + 1 from orca_w2 where orca_w1.a = orca_w2.a) from orca_w1 order by orca_w1.a;
INFO: GPORCA failed to produce a plan, falling back to planner
DETAIL: Feature not supported: Window functions and correlated subqueries appear together in select list
......@@ -6641,6 +6653,8 @@ select (select sum(orca_w1.a + a) over(order by b) + 1 from orca_w2 where orca_w
-- window function with outer ref in window clause and arguments
select (select sum(orca_w1.a + a) over(order by b + orca_w1.a) + 1 from orca_w2 where orca_w1.a = orca_w2.a) from orca_w1 order by orca_w1.a;
INFO: GPORCA failed to produce a plan, falling back to planner
DETAIL: Feature not supported: Window functions and correlated subqueries appear together in select list
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