提交 713981ed 编写于 作者: J Jesse Zhang

Add format checking in PR pipeline

In the same vein as commit 868fd2d7, this adds a very quick
clang-format job that checks for conformance, similar to the Travis CI
job did in commit 54273fdd (greenplum-db/gpdb#10357).

(cherry picked from commit 6aac45f3)
上级 26e8c12e
......@@ -48,6 +48,11 @@ resources:
secret_access_key: {{bucket-secret-access-key}}
versioned_file: {{binary_swap_gpdb_centos_versioned_file}}
- name: clang_toolchain
type: registry-image
repository: gcr.io/data-orca/clang-toolchain
- name: compile-and-test-pull-request
......@@ -60,6 +65,7 @@ jobs:
- get: centos-gpdb-dev-6
- get: gpaddon_src
- get: gpdb_5x_upstream
- get: clang_toolchain
# We use the 5X_STABLE source for running make sync_tools instead for security.
# For example, this would prevent a user to submit a PR that maliciously
# modifies the sync_tools task to expose the ivy credentials.
......@@ -112,6 +118,9 @@ jobs:
git submodule update --init --recursive
inputs: [{ name: gpdb_pr }]
outputs: [{ name: gpdb_src }]
- task: check_format
image: clang_toolchain
file: gpdb_src/concourse/tasks/check_format.yml
- task: compile_gpdb
file: gpdb_src/concourse/tasks/compile_gpdb.yml
image: centos-gpdb-dev-6
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