提交 9060ef77 编写于 作者: C C.J. Jameson 提交者: C.J. Jameson

Describe common improvements to typical dev workflow

上级 cea22a4a
......@@ -140,7 +140,14 @@ make cluster
source gpdemo-env.sh
The directory and the TCP ports for the demo cluster can be changed on the fly:
Compilation can be sped up with parallelization. Instead of `make`, consider:
make -j8
The directory and the TCP ports for the demo cluster can be changed on the fly.
Instead of `make cluster`, consider:
DATADIRS=/tmp/gpdb-cluster MASTER_PORT=15432 PORT_BASE=25432 make cluster
......@@ -277,8 +284,8 @@ Known issues:
docker images -aq --filter dangling=true | xargs -n 1 docker rmi
Alternatively you can use the (beta) Native macOS docker client now available
in docker 1.12.
* The Native macOS docker client available with docker 1.12+ (beta) or
Community Edition 17+ may also work
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