提交 a7412321 编写于 作者: A Ashwin Agrawal

Run column compression tests in separate database.

column compression tests perform bunch of alter type commands,
affecting other tests. Better to perform such opertions on dedicated database.
上级 f1ba2403
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
-- Basic syntax
-- Expect: success
create database column_compression;
\c column_compression
prepare ccddlcheck as
select attrelid::regclass as relname,
attnum, attoptions from pg_class c, pg_attribute_encoding e
......@@ -1175,7 +1177,7 @@ execute ccddlcheck;
(2 rows)
alter table ccddl split partition p1 at (5) into (partition p2, partition p3);
NOTICE: exchanged partition "p1" of relation "ccddl" with relation "pg_temp_4073245"
NOTICE: exchanged partition "p1" of relation "ccddl" with relation "pg_temp_706752"
NOTICE: dropped partition "p1" for relation "ccddl"
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "ccddl_1_prt_p2" for table "ccddl"
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "ccddl_1_prt_p3" for table "ccddl"
......@@ -1212,7 +1214,7 @@ execute ccddlcheck;
(6 rows)
alter table ccddl alter partition p1 split partition sp1 at (10) into (partition sp2, partition sp3);
NOTICE: exchanged partition "sp1" of partition "p1" of relation "ccddl" with relation "pg_temp_4073487"
NOTICE: exchanged partition "sp1" of partition "p1" of relation "ccddl" with relation "pg_temp_707268"
NOTICE: dropped partition "sp1" for partition "p1" of relation "ccddl"
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "ccddl_1_prt_p1_2_prt_sp2" for table "ccddl_1_prt_p1"
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "ccddl_1_prt_p1_2_prt_sp3" for table "ccddl_1_prt_p1"
......@@ -1230,7 +1232,7 @@ execute ccddlcheck;
(8 rows)
alter table ccddl alter partition p1 split partition sp2 at (5) into (partition sp2, partition sp2_5);
NOTICE: exchanged partition "sp2" of partition "p1" of relation "ccddl" with relation "pg_temp_4073487"
NOTICE: exchanged partition "sp2" of partition "p1" of relation "ccddl" with relation "pg_temp_707268"
NOTICE: dropped partition "sp2" for partition "p1" of relation "ccddl"
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "ccddl_1_prt_p1_2_prt_sp2" for table "ccddl_1_prt_p1"
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "ccddl_1_prt_p1_2_prt_sp2_5" for table "ccddl_1_prt_p1"
......@@ -1692,8 +1694,7 @@ ERROR: ENCODING clause only supported with column oriented partitioned tables
-- The basics
drop type if exists int42 cascade;
NOTICE: drop cascades to function int42_out(int42)
NOTICE: drop cascades to function int42_in(cstring)
NOTICE: type "int42" does not exist, skipping
create type int42;
CREATE FUNCTION int42_in(cstring)
......@@ -1971,3 +1972,5 @@ select pg_get_partition_template_def('ccddl'::regclass, true, false);
(1 row)
drop table ccddl;
\c regression
drop database column_compression;
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
-- Expect: success
create database column_compression;
\c column_compression
prepare ccddlcheck as
select attrelid::regclass as relname,
attnum, attoptions from pg_class c, pg_attribute_encoding e
......@@ -706,3 +709,6 @@ select pg_get_partition_def('ccddl'::regclass, true);
select pg_get_partition_template_def('ccddl'::regclass, true, false);
drop table ccddl;
\c regression
drop database column_compression;
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