1. 30 9月, 2020 1 次提交
  2. 29 9月, 2020 1 次提交
    • (
      Fix register workfile in a freed workfile_set bug. (#10911) · c507eed7
      (Jerome)Junfeng Yang 提交于
      We used to free the workfile_set when all its files are closed.
      But in some cases, we use the workfile_set for the whole node execution
      process. So, we should pin the workfile_set to avoid unexcepted free
      operation. And manually remove it once we are sure we don't want to use
      it anymore. Otherwise, the freed workfile_set may be allocated to others.
      This fixes the issue: https://github.com/greenplum-db/gpdb/issues/10855.
      Also, take care of the empty workfile_set, free it when applicable.
      Distinguish by the workfile_set life cycle, the workfile_set could be class
      into several classes.
      1. workfile_set for a temporary workfile with interXact false(see buffile.c).
      Once the file closed, the workfile_set will also get freed.
      And if current transaction aborted, the workfile's resource owner is
      responsible for closing it if the workfile is leaked, which also removes
      the workfile_set.
      2. workfile_set for a temporary workfile with interXact true(see buffile.c).
      Once the file closed, the workfile_set will also get removed.
      Since the workfile doesn't register to a resource owner, WorkFileLocalCtl
      is responsible for removing its corresponding workfile_set in
      AtProcExit_WorkFile(which gets called when process exit).
      3. workfile_set is pinned and saved to prevent unexpected free operation.
      When the workfile_set gets pinned, after all the file in the workfile_set
      gets closed, we don't free the workfile_set, cause we may register new workfile
      later. Call workfile_mgr_close_set to explicitly remove the workfile_set.
      To deal with aborting, since the resource owner of the workfiles in the
      workfile_set will close the workfiles, and this operation will not
      remove workfile_set when no file exists in the workfile_set. We have to free
      these kinds of workfile_sets when transaction ends in AtEOXact_WorkFile.
      If the workfile_set contains interXact workfiles, we still rely on
      WorkFileLocalCtl to remove workfile_sets in AtProcExit_WorkFile. But currently,
      we don't have this kind of usage.
      NOTE: if a workfile_set gets created but no workfile register into it(in case of
      error, RegisterFileWithSet not called), it will never have a chance to be removed
      automatically through file close. Then we have to check and remove these
      workfile_sets when the transaction end to prevent workfile_set overflow
      in AtEOXact_WorkFile.
      Co-authored-by: NGang Xiong <gxiong@pivotal.io>
      (cherry picked from commit 5b147fbe)
  3. 26 9月, 2020 3 次提交
    • X
      Add consistency check on resource group wait queue · e40d58dc
      xiong-gang 提交于
      We had several issues on 5x and 6x that shows the resource group wait queue is
      somehow corrupted, this commit add some checks and PANIC at the earliest to
      help debugging.
    • S
      Fix assert in CNormalizer::PexprPullUpAndCombineProjects() · e460e40a
      Shreedhar Hardikar 提交于
      The function combines two project nodes - one underneath the other. The
      assertion checks if the newly created project uses only available
      colrefs. However, it didn't include the outer refs in the upper project
      This commit fixes the assert highlighted by the following case:
      create table foo(a int, b int);
      create table bar(a int, b int);
      select *
      from foo
      where a is null or
            a = (select foo.a+1
                 from (select a+2 a2, b+2 b2
                       from bar) l2
                 where l2.b2 = 5);
      Co-authored-by: NHans Zeller <hzeller@pivotal.io>
    • S
      Project certain outrrefs in the targetlist of subqueries · 30e79d27
      Shreedhar Hardikar 提交于
      In a previous commit (df5f06d6), we added code to fall back gracefully
      when a subquery select list contains a single outer ref that is not part
      of an expression, such as in
      select * from foo where a is null or a = (select foo.b from bar)
      This commit adds a fix that allows us to handle such queries in ORCA
      by adding a project in the translator that will echo the outer ref
      from within the subquery, and using that projected value in the
      select list of the subquery. This ensures that we use a NULL value for
      the scalar subquery in the expression for the outer ref when the
      subquery returns no rows.
      Also note that this is still skipped for grouping cols in the target
      list. This was done to avoid regression for certain queries, such as:
      select *
      from A
      where not exists (select sum(C.i)
                        from C
                        where C.i = A.i
                        group by a.i);
      ORCA is currently unable to decorrelate sub-queries that contain project
      nodes, So, a `SELECT 1` in the subquery would also cause this
      regression. In the above query, the parser adds `a.i` to the target list
      of the subquery, that would get an echo projection (as described above),
      and thus would prevent decorelation by ORCA. For this reason, we decided
      to maintain existing behavior until ORCA is able to handle projections
      in subqueries better.
      Also, regenerate 6 MDPs with outer refs in their project lists
      Regenerating the MDPs for 6 test cases that were identified having
      outer refs in their project lists. These test cases will go through
      the fix in the translator and most of them will generate an extra
      project in the DXL query section. Some of them now also have an
      extra project in the plan section.
      Co-authored-by: NHans Zeller <hzeller@pivotal.io>
      Co-authored-by: NShreedhar Hardikar <shardikar@pivotal.io>
  4. 25 9月, 2020 2 次提交
    • B
      Exclude only 127.0.0.x and ::1 address. · a1e44e96
      Bhuvnesh Chaudhary 提交于
      With the ifaddrs utility, we excluded ip addresses on the loopback
      interface which caused regression causing replication entries to be not
      populated for such interfaces causing gpaddmirrors and gpinitstandby to
      fail. Routable IP addresses can be assigned to the loopback interface,
      and this case was not considered earlier.
      This commit fixes the issues by allowing all loopback addresses
      except and ::1 address
    • B
      Update the filename for the test check_orphaned_toastrels · e270c0b1
      Bhuvnesh Chaudhary 提交于
      Earlier the output filename for the test check_orphaned_toastrels
      was partitioned_tables.txt, so updated that to represent toast tables
  5. 24 9月, 2020 3 次提交
    • H
      Try to fix flaky planner explain plan in gporca test · 8591c9e4
      Hans Zeller 提交于
      Planner was choosing a different join order for different builds.
      Spreading out the values of the smaller table, so that for a hash
      join, the two tables will be of different size. That should make
      choosing a hash join order more clear.
    • H
      Generic index apply transform take2 (#10891) · f69c9792
      Hans Zeller 提交于
      (cherry picked from commit 84bff28b)
      with some additional changes
      * Add a CPatternNode operator
      This operator can be used in patterns of xforms and it can match one of
      multiple regular operators.
      Which operators it matches depends on its match type. Right now, there is
      only one match type, EmtMatchInnerOrLeftOuterJoin, that matches a
      logical inner join or a logical left outer join.
      * Add 2 new xforms for index apply
      The new xforms use the new CPatternNode for a patterns of the form
      CPatternNode(Leaf, Tree, Tree)
      The CPatternNode matches both an inner and a left outer join.
      The Tree for the right child can contain arbitrary operators.
      To avoid an explosion of the search space, we add two conditions
      to the xform: First, the xform is applied only once, not for all
      bindings of the Tree node. Second, the xform is applied only if
      the right child has a "join depth" of 1, excluding any children
      that are complex and wouldn't satisfy the conditions of this xform
      * Remove 16 obsolete xforms and replace them with 2 new ones
      To remove xforms, we have to add a mechanism to skip unused xform ids,
      to preserve the ids of the remaining xforms that are used in trace flags.
      Our array of xforms now allows for holes.
      * Changes to unit test programs
      Updated the test programs to tolerate holes in the xform array.
      Used a new xform instead of one of the removed ones.
      * MDP changes
      * ICG changes
      * Fixes for ICG failures in join and aggregates tests
      The new xform allows additional plans that are chosen in the explain
      output. It also surfaced a bug where we can't eliminate a groupby that
      sits on top of a CLogicalIndexGet, because the index get doesn't derive
      a key set.
      * Support for project nodes in index nested loop joins
      When generating required distribution specs for its children,
      CPhysicalInnerIndexNLJoin will start with its inner child and send it
      an ANY required distribution spec. It will then force the outer child
      to match the inner's distribution spec (or require a broadcast on the outer).
      Now, assume we have CPhysicalComputeScalar as the inner child. This
      node, in CPhysicalComputeScalar::PdsRequired will currently require
      its child to be REPLICATED (opt request 1) or SINGLETON (opt request
      0), if the expression has any outer references. This won't work, since
      the underlying table has neither of these distribution schemes and
      since we don't want any motions between the index join and the
      index get.
      This commit changes the behavior of a CPhysicalComputeScalar. If it
      senses that it is part of an index nested loop join, it will just
      propagate the required distribution spec from the parent.
      How does it sense that? By the required ANY distribution spec that
      allows outer references. This request is generated in only two places:
      CPhysicalInnerIndexNLJoin::PdsRequired and
      CPhysicalLeftOuterIndexNLJoin::PdsRequired, so it is only used in the
      context of an index NLJ. This behavior is similar to what the CPhysicalFilter
      node does, the other node allowed between an index NLJ and the get.
      * Adding a check for grouping columns
      Allow groupby under the right side of an index join only if the groupby
      can be co-located with the get underneath. This happens when the grouping
      columns are a superset of the distribution columns, since then every group
      will be entirely contained in a single segment.
      * History of this commit
      This is the second attempt at this commit, after having to revert earlier
      commits 24671b5b and 17da1026. In addition to the first commit,
      we had to add a check for the groupby columns to be a superset of the
      distribution columns (see item above) and we also fixed several diffs in tests.
      Co-authored-by: NDavid Kimura <dkimura@vmware.com>
      Co-authored-by: NHans Zeller <hzeller@vmware.com>
      (cherry picked from commit 84bff28b)
    • C
      [6X] Fix Orca CTAS for tables created with legacy vs non-legacy hashops (#10872) · aa42b4d3
      Chris Hajas 提交于
      For CTAS creating tables with non-legacy hashop distribution from tables
      with legacy hashops, CTAS with Orca would distribute the data according
      to the value of gp_use_legacy_hashops; however, it would set the table's
      distribution policy hashop to the value of the original table. This
      caused queries to give incorrect results as the distribution policy
      mismatched the data distribution.
      The data was being distributed correctly as we used the correct opfamily
      internally in Orca when determining the distribution spec. However, when
      populating the distribution policy value in the table in
      CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt.cpp, we were trying to derive the opclass from
      the opfamily. This doesn't work, and instead we need to pass the opclass
      from the query through Orca and to the plan statement. Hence we use the
      opfamily internally within Orca, and simply pass through the opclass to
      populate the gp_distribution_policy value correctly.
      Additionally, CTAS minidumps have been failing for quite a while, and
      subsequent changes made this a bit difficult to untangle. Since we only
      have ~10 mdp files, I simply regenerated most of these files and made
      the opfamily/opclasses arrays required as part of CMDRelationCTAS,
      LogicalCTAS, and PhysicalCTAS.
      Also, remove the `GPOS_ASSERT(NULL == mdhtacc.Find());` assert in
      CMDAccessor.cpp. We've been hitting this with newly created mdps since
      at least a couple of years, but haven't added new CTAS mdps since then.
      Removing the assert doesn't seem to cause any problems and it's only
      relevant for mdps.
      (cherry picked from commit a8eb84a2)
  6. 23 9月, 2020 5 次提交
    • J
      Format ORCA and GPOPT. · 4a37ae94
      Jesse Zhang 提交于
      The canonical config file is in src/backend/gporca/.clang-format, I've
      created two symlinks, one for GPOPT headers, one for GPOPT.
      This is spiritually a cherry-pick of commit 2f7dd76c, but with
      the actual code of this branch (6X_STABLE) formatted, of course.
      (cherry picked from commit 2f7dd76c)
    • J
      [Travis] Checks formatting in Travis. · cb7a94bc
      Jesse Zhang 提交于
      Add a stage called "check-format" that runs before the fan-out of
      installcheck-small. While we're at it, also enforce that the full config
      file is generated from the intent file.  This should be fairly quick. On
      my laptop, the `fmt chk` step takes 3 seconds.
      Enforcement in Concourse is forthcoming.
      (cherry picked from commit 54273fdd)
    • J
      Insert new line to separate preprocessor directive · cbf96c05
      Jesse Zhang 提交于
      Otherwise it seems clang-format recognizes this as a multi-line
      preprocessor directive, strange, but preventable.
      (cherry picked from commit 3c673965)
    • J
      Adds a script to format and check formatting. · e1f7144f
      Jesse Zhang 提交于
      This is intended for both local developer use and for CI.
      This depends on GNU parallel. One-time install:
      macOS: brew install parallel clang-format
      Debian: apt install parallel clang-format-10
      To format all ORCA / GPOPT code:
      $ src/tools/fmt fmt
      To check for formatting conformance:
      $ src/tools/fmt chk
      To modify the configuration, you'll need two steps:
      1. Edit clang-format.intent.yml
      2. Generate the expanded configuration file:
      $ src/tools/fmt gen
      This commit also adds a formatting README, To document some of the
      rationale behind tooling choice. Also mention the new `README.format.md`
      from both the style guide and ORCA's main README.
      (cherry picked from commit 57b744c1)
    • J
      Initial .clang-format. · 7e351537
      Jesse Zhang 提交于
      Generated using clang-format-10
      (cherry picked from commit 16b48d24)
  7. 22 9月, 2020 3 次提交
    • T
      Add task tags for icw jobs (#10865) · e10b2736
      Tingfang Bao 提交于
        ICW concourse jobs consume lots of computing resources and make the 
        system load is very high. and the concourse performance is very bad
        for the user. Creating the external concourse worker pool
        for icw jobs can reduce the whole concourse system workload.
        Add the tags attribution to the pipeline, and ensure the icw job will
        be placed at the external worker pool.
        This commit will affect the gpdb6 icw jobs on centos6/centos7/oracle7/ubuntu18.04
      Authored-by: NTingfang Bao <baotingfang@gmail.com>
    • S
      Fix ORCA crash for certain group by/ distinct queries when using gp_use_legacy_hashops (#10810) · 5bba3f8e
      Shreedhar Hardikar 提交于
      When gp_use_legacy_hashops is set, for plans that have an Aggregate,
      ORCA might crash when computing the distribution spec. This occurs when
      the grouping columns are of a type that have default hash distribution
      opfamilies, but do not have legacy hash distribution opfamilies.
      This happens because the distribution is done only for types for which
      "IsRedistributable()" returns true. This is (incorrectly) determined by
      looking (only) at the default opfamily (independent of the GUC).
      Subsequently, CDistributionSpecHashed::PopulateDefaultOpfamilies() tries
      to assemble opfamilies for all redistributable columns, which shouldn't
      include such types (when the GUC is set), resulting in dereferencing a
      For example, int[] type has a default distr opfamily, but no
      legacy distr opfamily.
      This commit fixes the implementation of IsRedistributable() to avoid the
      above error.
      Co-authored-by: NShreedhar Hardikar <hardikar@cs.wisc.edu>
    • K
      ci: build centos6 and centos7 release candidate RPMs · 1f2980a2
      Kalen Krempely 提交于
      Co-authored-by: NXin Zhang <zhxin@vmware.com>
      Co-authored-by: NBrent Doli <bdoil@vmware.com>
  8. 19 9月, 2020 1 次提交
  9. 18 9月, 2020 1 次提交
  10. 17 9月, 2020 3 次提交
    • D
      Align Orca relhasindex behavior with Planner (#10816) · f0973bf0
      David Kimura 提交于
      Function `RelationGetIndexList()` does not filter out invalid indexes.
      That responsiblity is left to the caller (e.g. `get_relation_info()`).
      Issue is that Orca was not checking index validity.
      This commit also introduces an optimization to Orca that is already used
      in Planner whereby we first check relhasindex before checking pg_index.
      (cherry picked from commit b011c351)
    • J
      Replace docker-image with registry-image. · 697aea37
      Jesse Zhang 提交于
      For context, the registry-image resource was introduced more than two
      years ago as a drop-in replace for the docker-image resource (especially
      when you're only fetching, not building). It's leaner, less
      resource-intense, faster, and doesn't rely on spawning a Docker daemon.
      Also swept up in this patch are four unused files that are left behind
      by previous changes.
      This is spiritually a cherry-pick of commit be6ff30f
      See https://github.com/concourse/registry-image-resource for more.
    • H
      Fall back for selects of outer refs in scalar subquery in ORCA (#10836) · df5f06d6
      Hans Zeller 提交于
      This is a backport of the changes in #10799 to 6X_STABLE.
      When we have an outer ref in a subquery, like this
      select * from foo where foo.a is null or foo.a = (select foo.b from bar)
      then we can't simply use the outer reference for the condition when
      we unnest the subquery into an apply. This is because if the subquery
      returns no rows, then we must be using a NULL instead of the outer
      We have code to handle this for quantified subqueries, but not for
      scalar subqueries.
      When we translate the generated DXL to a plan, we assert when we find
      an outer reference in the project list of a subquery. In rare cases,
      we might also crash, when the subquery contained a project with multiple
      values below the outer reference (see added test in gporca.sql).
      The "fix" (more a workaround) is to force a fallback when we detect
      this situation during unnesting of a scalar subquery.
  11. 16 9月, 2020 4 次提交
    • A
      Use planner for one test in "subselect" · 94770ad9
      Alexandra Wang 提交于
      Previously after the 9.2 merge, we had a hack that short-circuits the
      execution of the join when ORCA is on. This hack stops working with the
      Postgres 12 merge because the FIXME subquery gets executed on the QEs as
      well rather than just on the QD. This patch simply turns ORCA off for
      the query.
      Co-authored-by: NJesse Zhang <sbjesse@gmail.com>
      Co-authored-by: NAlexandra Wang <lewang@pivotal.io>
      (cherry picked from commit 891e77d1)
    • J
      Add missing hunk from e79b81e5 · 55887720
      Jesse Zhang 提交于
      Commit df5d3389 attempted to backport e79b81e5 but we
      missed a critical chunk while resolving a conflict. This (of course)
      breaks Travis macOS build. Put it back here.
      (cherry picked from commit e79b81e5)
    • J
      Tweak ccache to get legible diagnostics · 28d53f7d
      Jesse Zhang 提交于
      ccache 3.2 (from Ubuntu Xenial) defaults CCACHE_CPP2 to off (this
      setting defaults to on starting from ccache 3.3). That default leads to
      unlegible compiler warning outputs because GCC and Clang will emit
      warnings using the preprocessed output. Turn it on here.
      (cherry picked from commit 44e6bfec)
    • J
      Enable ccache on Travis CI (#9951) · df5d3389
      Jesse Zhang 提交于
      While working on https://github.com/greenplum-db/gpdb/pull/9937 ("Build
      ORCA with C++14."), I realized we took out ccache from Travis CI. This
      patch set brings it back with some additional TLC.
      * Remove deprecated [1][2] key "sudo: false"
      * Set Travis language to C++
        Travis propagates the environment variables CXX (in addition to CC,
        which is exported when the language is C) when the language is C++.
        This prepares us for a forthcoming change to enable ORCA build in
      * Care is taken to ensure ccache is actually used on macOS.
        The default settings in Travis somehow neglected it
        (travis-ci/travis-build#655) so we compensate for it.
      * Similar care is taken to ensure we use ccache with Clang.
        The version of ccache used in Travis is just slightly older than when
        automatic Clang symlink supported was added.
      * Show ccache stats (hit rate and more) for each build
      [1] https://blog.travis-ci.com/2018-11-19-required-linux-infrastructure-migration
      [2] Job config linting warning from Travis
      (cherry picked from commit e79b81e5)
  12. 15 9月, 2020 1 次提交
  13. 14 9月, 2020 4 次提交
    • J
      Fix gpexpand help usage · 63bab4c4
      japinli 提交于
      In commit 5eaa5889, the --novacuum option is removed, however the help
      page of gpexpand keep the -V option, which is a short option for
      (cherry picked from commit cb2afaf9)
    • A
      Refactor query string truncation on top of 889ba39e · abf6b330
      Asim R P 提交于
      Commit 889ba39e fixed the query string truncation in dispatcher
      to make it locale-aware.  This patch refactors that change so as to
      avoid accessing a string beyond its length.
      Reviewed by: Heikki, Ning Yu and Polina Bungina
      (cherry picked from commit ef09a3a6)
    • P
      Fix query string truncation while dispatching to QE · f31600e9
      Polina Bungina 提交于
      Execution of a long enough query containing multi-byte characters can cause incorrect truncation of the query string. Incorrect truncation implies an occasional cut of a multi-byte character and (with log_min_duration_statement set to 0 ) subsequent write of an invalid symbol to segment logs. Such broken character present in logs produces problems when trying to fetch logs info from gp_toolkit.__gp_log_segment_ext  table - queries fail with the following error: «ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding…».
      This is caused by buildGpQueryString function in `cdbdisp_query.c`, which prepares query text for dispatch to QE. It does not take into account character length when truncation is necessary (text is longer than QUERY_STRING_TRUNCATE_SIZE).
      (cherry picked from commit 889ba39e)
    • P
      Fix flaky test uao_crash_compaction_column (#10807) · 75bb046e
      Paul Guo 提交于
      Here is part of the diff output.
      @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
        role | preferred_role | content | mode | status
        m    | m              | -1      | s    | u
      - m    | m              | 0       | s    | u
      + m    | m              | 0       | n    | u
      The root cause has nothing to do with this test case.  It's because test
      prepared_xact_deadlock_pg_rewind finally calls gprecoverseg to recover the
      cluster but does not wait until the cluster state restores.
      Reviewed-by: NJunfeng(Jerome) Yang <jeyang@pivotal.io>
      (cherry picked from commit 07c594ed)
  14. 12 9月, 2020 1 次提交
  15. 11 9月, 2020 3 次提交
  16. 10 9月, 2020 4 次提交
    • J
      Add .git-blame-ignore-revs · 59aa1fec
      Jesse Zhang 提交于
      This file will be used to record commits to be ignored by default by
      git-blame (user still has to opt in). This is intended to include
      large (generally automated) reformatting or renaming commits.
      (cherry picked from commit b19e6abb)
    • N
      ic-proxy: support hostname as proxy addresses · 4c8332b5
      Ning Yu 提交于
      The GUC gp_interconnect_proxy_addresses is used to set the listener
      addresses and ports of all the proxy bgworkers, only IP addresses were
      supported previously, which is inconvenient to use.
      Now we add the support for hostnames too, the IP addresses are also
      Note that if a hostname is bound to a different IP at runtime, we must
      reload the setting with the "gpstop -u" command.
      Reviewed-by: NHubert Zhang <hzhang@pivotal.io>
      (cherry picked from commit 2a1794bc)
    • N
      ic-proxy: type checking in ic_proxy_new() · 93e0c196
      Ning Yu 提交于
      A typical mistake on allocating typed memory is as below:
          int64 *ptr = malloc(sizeof(int32));
      To prevent this, now we make ic_proxy_new() a typed allocator, it always
      return a pointer of the specified type, for example:
          int64 *p1 = ic_proxy_new(int64); /* good */
          int64 *p2 = ic_proxy_new(int32); /* bad, gcc will raise a warning */
      Reviewed-by: NHubert Zhang <hzhang@pivotal.io>
      (cherry picked from commit a3ef623d)
    • (
      PANIC when register file to a non-active workfile set. (#10793) · 16db7fe3
      (Jerome)Junfeng Yang 提交于
      We used to have `Assert` to check `RegisterFileWithSet` never register
      file to a non-active workfile_set. But in production, there could be
      some corner cases that caller register file to a non-active workfile_set.
      It'll cause inconsistent `workfile_shared->num_active` with the real
      active workfile_sets numbers under some situations.
      For example,
      1. `RegisterFileWithSet` a file to a created work_set. (current
      `work_set->num_files` is 1)
      2. `FileClose` closes the file and causes `WorkFileDeleted` to detele
      the work_set since current `work_set->num_files` is 0 after detele file.
      Which also decrease `workfile_shared->num_active`.
      3.  `RegisterFileWithSet` another file to the created work_set(which
      actually is not active now, but we dont't prevent that, only uses
      `Assert` to check).
      4. `FileClose` closes the file and causes `WorkFileDeleted` to detele
      the work_set again. The `workfile_shared->num_active` gets decreased
      Raise PANIC to expose the coner cases.
      Normally the caller of `RegisterFileWithSet` should ensure the correctness.
      But we lack of the check in the `RegisterFileWithSet`.
      (cherry picked from commit c23980cb)