1. 29 5月, 2019 19 次提交
  2. 28 5月, 2019 6 次提交
    • D
      Remove dead code and variables from bash library · 9f5b4005
      Daniel Gustafsson 提交于
      The gp_bash_functions Bash library had accumulated some dead code
      variables, left over from earlier refactorings and removal of utils.
      Remove and perform a little bit of cleaning.
      Reviewed-by: Jacob Champion
    • X
      Fix a bug in check_ao_record_present · 222d38c4
      xiong-gang 提交于
      This bug cause the test 'generate_ao_xlog' hang sometimes.
      If the current page cannot hold the remaining content (xlp_rem_len) of the
      record, find the next record in the next page.
    • X
      Fix a resource group bug · 6d3e8da5
      xiong-gang 提交于
      'MySessionState' is destroyed before 'groupWaitCancel' is called when shutdown. Access the
      member of 'MySessionState' in 'groupWaitCancel' may cause segment fault.
    • X
      Optimize explicit transactions · b43629be
      xiong-gang 提交于
      Currently, explicit 'BEGIN' creates a full-size writer gang and starts a transaction
      on it, the following 'END' will commit the transaction in a two-phase way. It can be
      optimized for some cases:
      case 1:
      SELECT * FROM pg_class;
      case 2:
      SELECT * FROM foo;
      SELECT * FROM bar;
      case 3:
      INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1);
      INSERT INTO bar VALUES(2);
      For case 1, it's unnecessary to create a gang and no need to have two-phase commit.
      For case 2, it's unnecessary to have two-phase commit as the executors don't write
      any XLOG.
      For case 3, don't have to create a full-size writer gang and do two-phase commit on
      a full-size gang.
      Co-authored-by: NJialun Du <jdu@pivotal.io>
    • X
    • H
      Fix compile warning in check_memory_spill_ratio (#7783) · 5145a9fc
      Hubert Zhang 提交于
      Check hook of string GUC should use char ** instead of const char **
      Also remove unused function gpvars_check_memory_spill_ratio() etc.
  3. 27 5月, 2019 6 次提交
    • N
      gdd: allow the backend to set extra data on each vert · 0f960fc1
      Ning Yu 提交于
      The backend could set extra data on a vert, such as the raw data
      collected by the UDF.  Also let GDD return each newly created vert so
      the backend has a chance to set the data.
    • N
      gdd: move dump functions from detector to backend · 367b3b03
      Ning Yu 提交于
      These dump functions are not part of the GDD algorithm, and they access
      the backend information, move them from gdddetector.c to gddbackend.c,
      so gdddetector.c is more focused on the algorithm.
    • N
      gdd: allow private structs to be externally accessed · 266b3594
      Ning Yu 提交于
      gdddetector.c contains the core GDD algorithm, we used to put the
      structs in it to hide the implementation details, the purpose was to
      simplify the detector's usage by providing a small set of carefully
      designed APIs.
      However some non-algorithm-related helpers, such as the dump functions,
      have to be put into this source file to access the struct internals,
      which increase the effort to understand and maintain the algorithm.
      So now we move the structs to gdddetectorpriv.h, the name still suggests
      that it is for private use, however when necessary the callers could
      access the struct internals by including this header.
    • J
      Test to perform backup when master goes through XLOG switch · 9f9cf0b0
      Jimmy Yih 提交于
      This commit brings back a scenario from an old, now deleted TINC test, in the
      form of an isolation2 spec.  The basic idea is to switch WAL on master to a new
      segment while basebackup is in progress.
      Co-authored-by: NAsim R P <apraveen@pivotal.io>
    • A
      isolation2 helper: unset PGAPPNAME before running pg_basebackup · 69f9e327
      Asim R P 提交于
      PGAPPNAME is set to "pg_regress" by the regress test runner.  This affects the
      application name reported by pg_stat_replication when a pg_basebackup command
      is run from an isolation2 test (isolation2 uses pg_regress as test runner).
      Also, accept xlog_method as a parameter instead of hard-coding it to stream.
    • A
      Change the way comments are identified in isolation2 · c042217c
      Asim R P 提交于
      Comments in an isolation2 spec should either start from the end of a SQL
      command or from the beginning of a new line.  Although this is only a subset of
      valid SQL comments, the change avoids a bug in parsing when a spec contains the
      string "--" that is not a comment.  E.g. command line with a long option (e.g.
      Fixed a few tests.  Their answer files recorded syntax errors due to incorrect
      comment identification prior to this commit.
  4. 25 5月, 2019 7 次提交
  5. 24 5月, 2019 2 次提交
    • A
      Adds rsync to server pipeline docker image. · a61c7d14
      Adam Berlin 提交于
      rsync is a dependency of the management utilities and was causing the gpinitmirror tests in
      isolation2 to fail.
    • Z
      Remove isolation2 select for update case · 5f9a40b3
      Zhenghua Lyu 提交于
      There are two reasons that we can remove this case to
      make pipeline a little faster:
        1. We have lock modes related cases, if lockmodes case passed,
           it should imply the select-for-update case is correct
        2. We have plan in future to enable isolation cases that test