未验证 提交 c2b7c1f1 编写于 作者: Y Yuantao Feng 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #23219 from fengyuentau:add_gelu

Add GELU layer for vision transformers

* add gelu and gelu approximation

* drop setKernelParams
上级 d3c6b856
......@@ -806,6 +806,18 @@ CV__DNN_INLINE_NS_BEGIN
static Ptr<SeluLayer> create(const LayerParams &params);
class CV_EXPORTS GeluLayer : public ActivationLayer
static Ptr<GeluLayer> create(const LayerParams &params);
class CV_EXPORTS GeluApproximationLayer : public ActivationLayer
static Ptr<GeluApproximationLayer> create(const LayerParams &params);
class CV_EXPORTS ThresholdedReluLayer : public ActivationLayer
......@@ -145,6 +145,8 @@ void initializeLayerFactory()
CV_DNN_REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(HardSigmoid, HardSigmoidLayer);
CV_DNN_REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(GeluApproximation, GeluApproximationLayer);
......@@ -837,6 +837,57 @@ private:
static const char* const ocl_kernel_name;
struct GeluFunctor : public BaseDefaultFunctor<GeluFunctor>
typedef GeluLayer Layer;
explicit GeluFunctor() {}
bool supportBackend(int backendId, int)
return backendId == DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV;
inline float calculate(float x) const
return 0.5f * x * (1.0f + erf(x * M_SQRT1_2));
int64 getFLOPSPerElement() const { return 100; }
const char* const BaseDefaultFunctor<GeluFunctor>::ocl_kernel_name = "GeluForward";
namespace GeluApproximationConstants
static constexpr float sqrt_2_pi = 0.7978845834732056f;
static constexpr float coef_sqrt_2_pi = 0.044714998453855515f * sqrt_2_pi;
struct GeluApproximationFunctor : public BaseDefaultFunctor<GeluApproximationFunctor>
typedef GeluApproximationLayer Layer;
explicit GeluApproximationFunctor() {}
bool supportBackend(int backendId, int)
return backendId == DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV;
inline float calculate(float x) const
return 0.5f * x * (1.f + tanh(x * (GeluApproximationConstants::sqrt_2_pi +
GeluApproximationConstants::coef_sqrt_2_pi * x * x)));
int64 getFLOPSPerElement() const { return 100; }
const char* const BaseDefaultFunctor<GeluApproximationFunctor>::ocl_kernel_name = "GeluApproximationForward";
struct TanHFunctor : public BaseDefaultFunctor<TanHFunctor>
typedef TanHLayer Layer;
......@@ -2694,6 +2745,22 @@ Ptr<ReLU6Layer> ReLU6Layer::create(const LayerParams& params)
return l;
Ptr<GeluLayer> GeluLayer::create(const LayerParams& params)
Ptr<GeluLayer> l(new ElementWiseLayer<GeluFunctor>(GeluFunctor()));
return l;
Ptr<GeluApproximationLayer> GeluApproximationLayer::create(const LayerParams& params)
Ptr<GeluApproximationLayer> l(new ElementWiseLayer<GeluApproximationFunctor>(GeluApproximationFunctor()));
return l;
Ptr<TanHLayer> TanHLayer::create(const LayerParams& params)
Ptr<TanHLayer> l(new ElementWiseLayer<TanHFunctor>());
......@@ -132,6 +132,183 @@ private:
opencv_onnx::GraphProto& net;
/* Fusion for Gelu.
Graph before fusion:
| |
[Input] -> Div[B=sqrt(2)] -> Erf -> Add[B=1] -> Mul -> Mul[B=0.5] -> [Output]
Graph after fusion:
[Input] -> Gelu -> [Output]
class GeluSubGraph : public Subgraph
int input = addNodeToMatch("");
int div = addNodeToMatch("Div", input, addNodeToMatch("") /* B=sqrt(2) */ );
int erf = addNodeToMatch("Erf", div);
int add = addNodeToMatch("Add", erf, addNodeToMatch("") /* B=1 */ );
int mul = addNodeToMatch("Mul", input, add);
addNodeToMatch("Mul", mul, addNodeToMatch("") /* B=0.5 */) ;
setFusedNode("Gelu", input);
static bool isWithInitializer(const std::vector<int>& matchedNodesIds)
// if node.getType() is Constant, Constant nodes are placed between other nodes
if (matchedNodesIds[2] - matchedNodesIds[1] != 1)
return false;
// if Initializer, there is no Constant node between other nodes
return true;
static float extractConstant(const Ptr<ImportGraphWrapper>& net, int node_id, int input_id, bool withInitializer)
if (withInitializer)
auto onnx_net = net.dynamicCast<ONNXGraphWrapper>();
int initializer_id = onnx_net->getInputInitializerId(node_id, input_id);
Mat const_mat = onnx_net->getMatFromInitializer(initializer_id);
return *const_mat.ptr<float>();
} else {
const Ptr<ImportNodeWrapper> node = net->getNode(node_id);
int constant_id = getInputNodeId(net, node, input_id);
Ptr<ImportNodeWrapper> constant_ptr = net->getNode(constant_id);
opencv_onnx::NodeProto* constant_node = constant_ptr.dynamicCast<ONNXNodeWrapper>()->node;
opencv_onnx::TensorProto constant_proto = constant_node->attribute(0).t();
Mat constant_mat = getMatFromTensor(constant_proto);
return *constant_mat.ptr<float>();
virtual bool match(const Ptr<ImportGraphWrapper>& net, int nodeId,
std::vector<int>& matchedNodesIds,
std::vector<int>& targetNodesIds) CV_OVERRIDE
if (Subgraph::match(net, nodeId, matchedNodesIds, targetNodesIds))
bool withInitializer = isWithInitializer(matchedNodesIds);
// Check Div[B=sqrt(2)]
float divisor = extractConstant(net, matchedNodesIds[0], 1, withInitializer);
if (divisor - M_SQRT2 >= 1e-6)
return false;
// Check Add[B=1]
float add_const = extractConstant(net, matchedNodesIds[2], 1, withInitializer);
if (add_const - 1.f >= 1e-6)
return false;
// Check Mul[B=0.5]
float mul_const = extractConstant(net, matchedNodesIds[4], 1, withInitializer);
if (mul_const - 0.5f >= 1e-6)
return false;
return true;
return false;
/* Fusion for GeluApproximation.
Graph before fusion:
| | | | |
[Input] -> Mul -> Mul -> Mul[ ] -> Add -> Mul[ ] -> Tanh -> Add[A=1] -> Mul -> Mul(A=0.5) -> [Output]
/ \
A=0.044714998453855515 A=sqrt(2/pie)
Graph after fusion:
[Input] -> GeluApproximation -> [Output]
class GeluApproximationSubGraph : public Subgraph
int input = addNodeToMatch("");
int mul0 = addNodeToMatch("Mul", input, input);
int mul1 = addNodeToMatch("Mul", input, mul0);
int mul2 = addNodeToMatch("Mul", addNodeToMatch("") /* A=0.044714998453855515 */, mul1);
int add0 = addNodeToMatch("Add", input, mul2);
int mul3 = addNodeToMatch("Mul", addNodeToMatch("") /* A=sqrt(2/pie) */, add0);
int tanh = addNodeToMatch("Tanh", mul3);
int add1 = addNodeToMatch("Add", addNodeToMatch("") /* A=1 */, tanh);
int mul4 = addNodeToMatch("Mul", input, add1);
addNodeToMatch("Mul", addNodeToMatch("") /* A=0.5 */, mul4);
setFusedNode("GeluApproximation", input);
static bool isWithInitializer(const std::vector<int>& matchedNodesIds)
// if node.getType() is Constant, Constant nodes are placed between other nodes
if (matchedNodesIds[2] - matchedNodesIds[1] != 1)
return false;
// if Initializer, there is no Constant node between other nodes
return true;
static float extractConstant(const Ptr<ImportGraphWrapper>& net, int node_id, int input_id, bool withInitializer)
if (withInitializer)
auto onnx_net = net.dynamicCast<ONNXGraphWrapper>();
int initializer_id = onnx_net->getInputInitializerId(node_id, input_id);
Mat const_mat = onnx_net->getMatFromInitializer(initializer_id);
return *const_mat.ptr<float>();
} else {
const Ptr<ImportNodeWrapper> node = net->getNode(node_id);
int constant_id = getInputNodeId(net, node, input_id);
Ptr<ImportNodeWrapper> constant_ptr = net->getNode(constant_id);
opencv_onnx::NodeProto* constant_node = constant_ptr.dynamicCast<ONNXNodeWrapper>()->node;
opencv_onnx::TensorProto constant_proto = constant_node->attribute(0).t();
Mat constant_mat = getMatFromTensor(constant_proto);
return *constant_mat.ptr<float>();
virtual bool match(const Ptr<ImportGraphWrapper>& net, int nodeId,
std::vector<int>& matchedNodesIds,
std::vector<int>& targetNodesIds) CV_OVERRIDE
if (Subgraph::match(net, nodeId, matchedNodesIds, targetNodesIds))
bool withInitializer = isWithInitializer(matchedNodesIds);
// Check Mul[A=0.044714998453855515]
float coef = extractConstant(net, matchedNodesIds[2], 0, withInitializer);
if (coef - 0.044714998453855515 >= 1e-6)
return false;
// Check Mul[A=sqrt(2/pie)]
float sqrt_2_pie = extractConstant(net, matchedNodesIds[4], 0, withInitializer);
if (sqrt_2_pie - 0.7978845834732056 >= 1e-6)
return false;
// Check Add[A=1]
float add_const = extractConstant(net, matchedNodesIds[6], 0, withInitializer);
if (add_const - 1.f >= 1e-6)
return false;
// Check Mul[A=0.5]
float mul_const = extractConstant(net, matchedNodesIds[8], 0, withInitializer);
if (mul_const - 0.5f >= 1e-6)
return false;
return true;
return false;
class LayerNormSubGraph : public Subgraph
......@@ -904,6 +1081,8 @@ public:
void simplifySubgraphs(opencv_onnx::GraphProto& net)
std::vector<Ptr<Subgraph> > subgraphs;
......@@ -4051,7 +4051,8 @@ void ONNXImporter::buildDispatchMap_ONNX_AI(int opset_version)
std::vector<std::string> simpleLayers{"Acos", "Acosh", "Asin", "Asinh", "Atan", "Atanh", "Ceil", "Celu", "Cos",
"Cosh", "Dropout", "Erf", "Exp", "Floor", "HardSigmoid", "HardSwish",
"Identity", "Log", "Round", "Reciprocal", "Selu", "Sign", "Sigmoid", "Sin", "Sinh", "Softmax",
"Softplus", "Softsign", "Shrink", "Sqrt", "Tan", "ThresholdedRelu"};
"Softplus", "Softsign", "Shrink", "Sqrt", "Tan", "ThresholdedRelu", "Gelu",
for (const auto& name : simpleLayers)
dispatch[name] = &ONNXImporter::parseSimpleLayers;
......@@ -307,6 +307,30 @@ __kernel void ThresholdedReluForward(const int n, __global T* in, __global T* ou
out[index] = (in[index] > alpha ? in[index] : 0.f);
__kernel void GeluForward(const int n, __global T* in, __global T* out)
int index = get_global_id(0);
if (index < n)
T x = in[index];
out[index] = (T)0.5f * x * ( (T)1.f + erf(x * M_SQRT1_2) );
__kernel void GeluApproximationForward(const int n, __global T* in, __global T* out)
// see GeluApproximationConstants from modules/dnn/src/layers/elementwise_layers.cpp
const T sqrt_2_pi = 0.7978845834732056f;
const T coef_sqrt_2_pi = 0.044714998453855515f * sqrt_2_pi;
int index = get_global_id(0);
if(index < n)
T x = in[index];
out[index] = (T)0.5f * x * ( (T)1.f + tanh(x * (sqrt_2_pi + coef_sqrt_2_pi * x * x)) );
__kernel void ShrinkForward(const int n, __global T* in, __global T* out,
const KERNEL_ARG_DTYPE bias,
const KERNEL_ARG_DTYPE lambd)
......@@ -2456,6 +2456,12 @@ TEST_P(Test_ONNX_layers, LayerNormExpanded)
TEST_P(Test_ONNX_layers, Gelu)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Test_ONNX_nets, dnnBackendsAndTargets());
}} // namespace
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