提交 81891d71 编写于 作者: E Enrico Giordani

[Release] 3.0.500-rc1

上级 e9c2f494
MSOpenTech Redis on Windows 3.0 Release Notes
--[ Redis on Windows 3.0.500-rc1 ] Release date: Nov 12 2015
- [Fix] Improved the error reporting on startup errors.
- [Code cleanup] Event log code refactoring. Code formatting.
- [Code cleanup] Fixed tabs.
- [Code cleanup] Renamed WSIOCP_ReceiveDone to WSIOCP_QueueNextRead.
- [Code refactoring] IsWindowsVersionAtLeast optimization.
- [Fix] Sentinel notification-script 2nd argument needs quotes.
- [PR] Passed STARTUPINFO parameter to CreateProcessA instead of NULL. (by @flavius-m)
- [Test] Removed a Windows-specific workaround.
- [Fix] Duplicated sockets need to be closed properly.
- [Fix] Windows-specific fixes for the 3.0.5 merge.
- Merged tag 3.0.5 from antirez/3.0
- [Sample] Removed the maxheap flag from the configuration samples.
- [Fix] Reporting the error code if listen() fails.
- [Tools] Changed the ReleasePackagingTool output folder.
- [Setup] Added the max memory dialog.
- [Build] Unified output folders for the jemalloc project.
- [PR] Updated list of sentinel commands: announce-ip and announce-port. (by @rpannell)
- [PR] Updated x86 debug and release configurations for all projects. (by @laurencee)
- [PR] Changed Nuget package structure to support VS 2015. (by @Cybermaxs)
- [Seup] Updated nuget and chocolatey setup files.
--[ Redis on Windows 3.0.300-beta1 ] Release date: Oct 14 2015
- [Change] Switched from dlmalloc to jemalloc.
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<Product Id="*"
Name="Redis on Windows"
<Package InstallerVersion="200"
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<title>Redis 64-bit</title>
<authors>Alexis Campailla, Enrico Giordani, Jonathan Pickett</authors>
<owners>Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.</owners>
<description>A porting of Redis on Windows 64-bit.
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<title>Redis 64-bit</title>
<authors>Alexis Campailla, Enrico Giordani, Jonathan Pickett</authors>
<owners>Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.</owners>
<description>A porting of Redis on Windows 64-bit.
#define REDIS_VERSION "3.0.5"
#define REDIS_VERSION "3.0.500-rc1"
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