提交 9503e70c 编写于 作者: E Enrico Giordani

[Release] 3.0.502

上级 07070076
MSOpenTech Redis on Windows 3.0 Release Notes
--[ Redis on Windows 3.0.502 ] Release date: Jun 21 2016
- [PR] Fixed pointer overflow crash when using bgsave under rare circumstances. (by @Harachie)
- [PR] Update msvs documentation to correct maxmemory-policy. (by @andyvan)
- [Setup] Fixed the NETWORK SERVICE account issue on Windows 10.
- [PR] Compare empty string for command line extract save. (by @zhumingjian )
- [PR] Fix: bug on extracting sub-params. (by @zeliard)
- [PR] Fix: string (handle value) to a unsigned 64bit number for LLP64 OS. (by @zeliard)
- [PR] Fix: add break stmt in switch-case. (by @zeliard)
- [Fix] 'Infinity' parsing.
- [Fix] Linking error on some platforms using VS2015.
- [PR] No separate NuGet download anymore on shields.io (by @jamesmanning )
- [PR] Fix building problems in MSVS2015. (by @CAIQT)
- [Docs] Fixed wrong value for redis install example.
--[ Redis on Windows 3.0.501 ] Release date: Jan 15 2016
- [Docs] Single dash replaced with double dash for service cmd parameters.
- [PR] Update Redis on Windows.md
- [PR] Update Redis on Windows.md (by @ammills01)
- [Fix] Enabled jemalloc thread safety.
- [Code cleanup] Better expression grouping.
- [Docs] Added info about the memory working set showed by the task manager.
- [Fix] Portability fix for strtol.
- [Docs] Updated README.md.
- [PR] Add notice for VS2013 without Update 5
- [PR] Add notice for VS2013 without Update 5 (by @gimmemoore)
--[ Redis on Windows 3.0.500 ] Release date: Dec 07 2015
......@@ -27,8 +42,8 @@ MSOpenTech Redis on Windows 3.0 Release Notes
- [Debug] Added Redis version at the top of the crash report.
- [Build] Added platform in the destination folder path for the x86 build.
- [Fix] 32 bit support.
- [PR] Unable to build Redis 3.0 on 32 bit. (by @Jens-G )
- [PR] Switching 3.0 to x86 results in LNK errors. (by @Jens-G )
- [PR] Unable to build Redis 3.0 on 32 bit. (by @Jens-G)
- [PR] Switching 3.0 to x86 results in LNK errors. (by @Jens-G)
- [Comment] Fixed comment.
- [PR] replace argument sign '-' to '--'. (by @Hawkeyes0)
- [Fix] Duplicated sockets management for diskless replication.
version: 2.8.21.{build}
version: 3.0.502.{build}
# whitelist
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<Product Id="*"
Name="Redis on Windows"
<Package InstallerVersion="200"
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<title>Redis 64-bit</title>
<authors>Alexis Campailla, Enrico Giordani, Jonathan Pickett</authors>
<owners>Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.</owners>
<description>A porting of Redis on Windows 64-bit.
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<title>Redis 64-bit</title>
<authors>Alexis Campailla, Enrico Giordani, Jonathan Pickett</authors>
<owners>Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.</owners>
<description>A porting of Redis on Windows 64-bit.
#define REDIS_VERSION "3.0.501"
#define REDIS_VERSION "3.0.502"
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