提交 d3b3c199 编写于 作者: E Enrico Giordani

[Setup] Updated the Windows release notes.

上级 c0fabdd2
MSOpenTech Redis on Windows 3.0 Release Notes
--[ Redis on Windows 3.0.300-alpha2 ] Release date: Aug 20 2015
- [Cleanup] Code formatting.
- [Test] Added a Windows-specific regression test.
- [Test] Increated the waiting time before checking the server status.
- [Fix] Socket flags not saved.
- [Cleanup] Code refacoring.
- [Test] Increased the waiting time for some conditions.
- [Test] Removed Windows specific code.
- [Test] Set maxheap to 150mb to run the cluster tests.
- [Fix] getpeername fails to retrieve the master ip address.
- [Cleanup] Code refactoring, comments.
- [Cleanup] Code refactoring to reduce dependencies between projects.
- [Fix] Socket state moved from aeApiState to RFDMap.
- [Cleanup] Code refactoring.
- [Cleanup] Removed WSACleanup mapping.
- [Setup] NuGet description doesn't support Markdown.
- [Portability] Explicit type casting.
- [Fix] Redis Server stops accepting connections.
- [Fix] Set pipe to non-blocking. If the child process has already exite
- [Fix] AOF rewrite not working.
- [Setup] Release number.
- Merged tag 3.0.3 from antirez/3.0 into 3.0
--[ Redis on Windows 3.0.100-alpha1 ] Release date: Jul 22 2015
- First alpha based on Redis 3.0.1 [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antirez/redis/10323dc5feb2adc10c4d62c7d667fd45923d6a57/00-RELEASENOTES]
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