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1. [Intro](#intro)
2. [Installation](#installation)
  1. [Basic Installation](#basic-installation)
  2. [Using Docker](#using-docker)
3. [Features](#features)

<a name="intro"></a>
## 1. Intro

ABC is a command-line client for with nifty features to do data sync from on store to another.

It consists of two parts. 

1. Appbase module
2. Import module

To get the list of all commands supported by ABC, use -

abc --help

<a name="installation"></a>
## 2. Installation

ABC can be installed and used via the traditional `go build` or using a Docker image.

<a name="basic-installation"></a>
### 2.1 Basic installation

You can install ABC by building it locally and then moving the executable to anywhere you like. 

To build it, you require **Go 1.8** insalled on your system. 

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build -tags 'oss' ./cmd/abc/...
./abc --help

<a name="using-docker"></a>
### 2.2 Using Docker

git clone
cd abc
docker build -t abc .
docker volume create --name abc

Volume is used to store abc config files across containers.
Now `abc` can be ran through Docker like in the following example which starts google login.  

docker run -i --rm -v abc:/root abc login google

Some more examples

docker run -i --rm -v abc:/root abc user
docker run -i --rm -v abc:/root abc apps

<a name="features"></a>
## 3. Features

ABC's features can be broadly categorized into 2 components. 

1. Appbase features
2. Importer features

### 3.1 Appbase features

Appbase features allows you to control your account using ABC. You can see them under the *Appbase* heading in the list of commands.

  login     login into
  user      get user details
  apps      display user apps
  app       display app details
  create    create app
  delete    delete app

You can look over help for each of these commands using the `--help` switch. 

abc login --help

### 3.2 Importer features
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Transporter allows the user to configure a number of data adaptors as sources or sinks. These can be databases, files or other resources. Data is read from the sources, converted into a message format, and then send down to the sink where the message is converted into a writable format for its destination. The user can also create data transformations in JavaScript which can sit between the source and sink and manipulate or filter the message flow.

Adaptors may be able to track changes as they happen in source data. This "tail" capability allows a Transporter to stay running and keep the sinks in sync.

***BETA Feature***

As of release `v0.4.0`, transporter contains support for being able to resume operations
after being stopped. The feature is disabled by default and can be enabled with the following:

source = mongodb({"uri": "mongo://localhost:27017/source_db"})
sink = mongodb({"uri": "mongo://localhost:27017/sink_db"})
  .Source("source", source)
  .Save("sink", sink)

When using the above pipeline, all messages will be appended to a commit log and 
successful processing of a message is handled via consumer/sink offset tracking.

Below is a list of each adaptor and its support of the feature:

|    adaptor    | read resume | write tracking |
| elasticsearch |             |       X        | 
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|     file      |             |       X        | 
|    mongodb    |      X      |       X        | 
|  postgresql   |             |       X        | 
|   rabbitmq    |      X      |                | 
|   rethinkdb   |             |       X        | 

#### Adaptors
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Each adaptor has its own README page with details on configuration and capabilities.

* [elasticsearch](./adaptor/elasticsearch)
* [file](./adaptor/file)
* [mongodb](./adaptor/mongodb)
* [postgresql](./adaptor/postgres)
* [rabbitmq](./adaptor/rabbitmq)
* [rethinkdb](./adaptor/rethinkdb)

#### Native Functions
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Each native function can be used as part of a `Transform` step in the pipeline.

* [goja](./function/gojajs)
* [omit](./function/omit)
* [otto](./function/ottojs)
* [pick](./function/pick)
* [pretty](./function/pretty)
* [rename](./function/rename)
* [skip](./function/skip)

#### Commands
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##### init
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transporter init [source adaptor name] [sink adaptor name]

Generates a basic `pipeline.js` file in the current directory.

$ transporter init mongodb elasticsearch
$ cat pipeline.js
var source = mongodb({
  "uri": "${MONGODB_URI}"
  // "timeout": "30s",
  // "tail": false,
  // "ssl": false,
  // "cacerts": ["/path/to/cert.pem"],
  // "wc": 1,
  // "fsync": false,
  // "bulk": false,
  // "collection_filters": "{}"

var sink = elasticsearch({
  // "timeout": "10s", // defaults to 30s
  // "aws_access_key": "ABCDEF", // used for signing requests to AWS Elasticsearch service
  // "aws_access_secret": "ABCDEF" // used for signing requests to AWS Elasticsearch service

// t.Source("source", source).Save("sink", sink)
// t.Source("source", source, "namespace").Save("sink", sink, "namespace")

Edit the `pipeline.js` file to configure the source and sink nodes and also to set the namespace.

##### about
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`transporter about`

Lists all the adaptors currently available.


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elasticsearch - an elasticsearch sink adaptor
file - an adaptor that reads / writes files
mongodb - a mongodb adaptor that functions as both a source and a sink
postgres - a postgres adaptor that functions as both a source and a sink
rabbitmq - an adaptor that handles publish/subscribe messaging with RabbitMQ 
rethinkdb - a rethinkdb adaptor that functions as both a source and a sink

Giving the name of an adaptor produces more detail, such as the sample configuration.


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transporter about postgres
postgres - a postgres adaptor that functions as both a source and a sink

 Sample configuration:
  "uri": "${POSTGRESQL_URI}"
  // "debug": false,
  // "tail": false,
  // "replication_slot": "slot"

##### run
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transporter run [-log.level "info"] <application.js>

Runs the pipeline script file which has its name given as the final parameter.

##### test
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transporter test [-log.level "info"] <application.js>

Evaluates and connects the pipeline, sources and sinks. Establishes connections but does not run.
Prints out the state of connections at the end. Useful for debugging new configurations.

##### xlog
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The `xlog` command is useful for inspecting the current state of the commit log.
It contains 3 subcommands, `current`, `oldest`, and `offset`, as well as 
a required flag `-log_dir` which should be the path to where the commit log is stored.

***NOTE*** the command should only be run against the commit log when transporter
is not actively running.

transporter xlog -log_dir=/path/to/dir current

Returns the most recent offset appended to the commit log.

transporter xlog -log_dir=/path/to/dir oldest

Returns the oldest offset in the commit log.

transporter xlog -log_dir=/path/to/dir show 0
offset    : 0
timestamp : 2017-05-16 11:00:20 -0400 EDT
mode      : COPY
op        : INSERT
key       : MyCollection
value     : {"_id":{"$oid":"58efd14b60d271d7457b4f24"},"i":0}

Prints out the entry stored at the provided offset.

##### offset
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The `offset` command provides access to current state of each consumer (i.e. sink)
offset. It contains 4 subcommands, `list`, `show`, `mark`, and `delete`, as well as 
a required flag `-log_dir` which should be the path to where the commit log is stored.

transporter offset -log_dir=/path/to/dir list
| sink | 1103003 |

Lists all consumers and their associated offset in `log_dir`.

transporter offset -log_dir=/path/to/dir show sink
|     NAMESPACE     | OFFSET  |
| newCollection     | 1102756 |
| testC             | 1103003 |
| MyCollection      |  999429 |
| anotherCollection | 1002997 |

Prints out each namespace and its associated offset.

transporter offset -log_dir=/path/to/dir mark sink 1

Rewrites the namespace offset map based on the provided offset.

transporter offset -log_dir=/path/to/dir delete sink

Removes the consumer (i.e. sink) log directory.

##### flags
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`-log.level "info"` - sets the logging level. Default is info; can be debug or error.

## Building guides
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## ABC Resources
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* [ABC Wiki](
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## Contributing to ABC

Want to help out with ABC? Great! There are instructions to get you
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started [here](

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## Licensing

ABC is licensed under the New BSD License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for full license text.