未验证 提交 b447d51f 编写于 作者: A Avi Aryan

fix doc links

上级 3f609370
......@@ -210,13 +210,13 @@ Each adaptor has its own README page with details on configuration and capabilit
Each native function can be used as part of a `Transform` step in the pipeline.
* [goja](./function/gojajs)
* [omit](./function/omit)
* [otto](./function/ottojs)
* [pick](./function/pick)
* [pretty](./function/pretty)
* [rename](./function/rename)
* [skip](./function/skip)
* [goja](./wiki/goja)
* [omit](./wiki/omit)
* [otto](./wiki/otto)
* [pick](./wiki/pick)
* [pretty](./wiki/pretty)
* [rename](./wiki/rename)
* [skip](./wiki/skip)
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