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上级 22d5358a
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ At the time of writing, the list of parameters supported looks like -
Note that you only need to set the parameters that are required for the source database type. For example, you don't set `replication_slot` when taking CSV as the source.
**Note** - Help for [transform-file](../importer/transform_file.md) is available here.
## Examples
# Transform file
A transform file can be specified with the `import` command which implements transforms when data is moved from source to sink.
The most basic form of transform file is the following. It does nothing but move everything from source to sink.
t.Source("source", source, "/.*/").Save("sink", sink, "/.*/")
But we can add [transforms](transforms/) in it to manipulate data that is going to the sink.
t.Source("source", source, "/.*/")
// more transforms
.Save("sink", sink, "/.*/")
It can also be used to specify mappings to use in ElasticSearch.
To specify mapping, you use the `Mapping` method. It takes only a single argument which is an object containing mapping data.
t.Source("source", source, "/.*/")
"TypeName": {
"properties": {
"name": { "type": "string" },
"age": { "type": "integer" },
// more properties
"AnotherType": {
"properties": {
// ....
// transforms
.Save("sink", sink, "/.*/")
Note that mapping are set on a type level so the mapping object should contain type and the properties to apply to that type (like we have `TypeName` and `AnotherType` here).
Also the type name used is for the sink, so the type name should be consistent with the namespace that is generated after going through
all the [transforms](transforms/) i.e. if you have a transform that
changes namespace in any way, the type names used in mapping should take care of that.
# goja function
`goja()` creates a JavaScript VM that receives and sends data through the defined javascript function for processing. The parameter passed to the function has been converted from a go map[string]interface{} to a JS object of the following form:
"ts":12345, // time represented in milliseconds since epoch
"data": {
"id": "abcdef",
"name": "hello world"
***NOTE*** when working with data from MongoDB, the _id field will be represented in the following fashion:
"ts":12345, // time represented in milliseconds since epoch
"data": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "54a4420502a14b9641000001"
"name": "hello world"
### configuration
goja({"filename": "/path/to/transform.js"})
// js() is aliased to goja
// js({"filename": "/path/to/transform.js"})
### example
message in
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc",
"type": "function"
transform function (i.e. `transform.js`)
function transform(doc) {
doc["data"]["name_type"] = doc["data"]["name"] + " " + doc["data"]["type"];
return doc
message out
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc",
"type": "function",
"name_type": "abc function"
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# omit function
`omit()` will remove any fields specified from the message and then send down the pipeline. It currently only works for top level fields (i.e. `address.street` would not work).
### configuration
omit({"fields": ["name"]})
### example
message in
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc",
"type": "function"
message out
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc"
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# otto function
`otto()` creates a JavaScript VM that receives and sends data through the defined javascript function for processing. The parameter passed to the function has been converted from a go map[string]interface{} to a JS object of the following form:
"ts":12345, // time represented in milliseconds since epoch
"data": {
"id": "abcdef",
"name": "hello world"
***NOTE*** when working with data from MongoDB, the _id field will be represented in the following fashion:
"ts":12345, // time represented in milliseconds since epoch
"data": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "54a4420502a14b9641000001"
"name": "hello world"
### configuration
otto({"filename": "/path/to/transform.js"})
// transform() is also available for backwards compatibility reasons but may be removed in future versions
// transform({"filename": "/path/to/transform.js"})
### example
message in
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc",
"type": "function"
transform function (i.e. `transform.js`)
module.exports=function(doc) {
doc["data"]["name_type"] = doc["data"]["name"] + " " + doc["data"]["type"];
return doc
message out
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc",
"type": "function",
"name_type": "abc function"
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# pick function
`pick()` will only include the specified fields from the message when sending down the pipeline. It currently only works for top level fields (i.e. `address.street` would not work).
### configuration
pick({"fields": ["name"]})
### example
message in
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc",
"type": "function"
pick({"fields":["_id", "name"]})
message out
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc"
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# pretty function
`pretty()` will marshal the data to JSON and then log it at the `INFO` level. The default indention setting is `2` spaces and if set to `0`, it will print on a single line.
### configuration
pretty({"spaces": 2})
### example
message in
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc",
"type": "function"
log line
log line
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# rename function
`rename()` will update the replace existing key names with new ones based on the provided configuration. It currently only works for top level fields (i.e. `address.street` would not work).
### configuration
rename({"field_map": {"test":"renamed"}})
### example
message in
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc",
"type": "function",
"count": 10
rename({"field_map": {"count":"total"}})
message out
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc",
"type": "function",
"total": 10
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# skip function
`skip()` will evalute the data based on the criteria configured and determine whether the message should continue down the pipeline or be skipped. When evaluating the data, `true` will result in the message being sent down the pipeline and `false` will result in the message being skipped. Take a look at the [tests](skipper_test.go) for all currently supported configurations. It currently only works for top level fields (i.e. `address.street` would not work).
### configuration
skip({"field": "test", "operator": "==", "match": 10})
### example
message in
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc",
"type": "function",
"count": 10
skip({"field": "count", "operator": "==", "match": 10})
message out
"_id": 0,
"name": "abc",
"type": "function",
"count": 10
skip({"field": "count", "operator": ">", "match": 20})
message would be skipped
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