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上级 a3fc2d9d
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace IoTSharp.Extensions
public static void PublishDeviceStatus(this ICapPublisher cap, Guid devid , bool status)
cap.Publish("iotsharp.services.datastream.devicestatus", new { Device=devid, Status=status } );
cap.Publish("iotsharp.services.datastream.devicestatus", new DeviceStatus { DeviceId=devid, Status=status } );
......@@ -128,28 +128,43 @@ namespace IoTSharp.Handlers
public void DeviceStatus(DeviceStatus status)
using (var _scope = _scopeFactor.CreateScope())
using (var _dbContext = _scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>())
using (var _scope = _scopeFactor.CreateScope())
var dev = _dbContext.Device.Find(status.DeviceId);
if (dev.Online == true && status.Status == false)
dev.Online = false;
dev.LastActive = DateTime.Now;
Task.Run(()=> RunRules(dev.Id, status, MountType.Online));
else if (dev.Online == false && status.Status == true)
using (var _dbContext = _scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>())
dev.Online = true;
dev.LastActive = DateTime.Now;
Task.Run(() => RunRules(dev.Id, status, MountType.Offline));
var dev = _dbContext.Device.FirstOrDefault(d=>d.Id==status.DeviceId);
if (dev != null)
if (dev.Online == true && status.Status == false)
dev.Online = false;
dev.LastActive = DateTime.Now;
Task.Run(() => RunRules(dev.Id, status, MountType.Online));
else if (dev.Online == false && status.Status == true)
dev.Online = true;
dev.LastActive = DateTime.Now;
Task.Run(() => RunRules(dev.Id, status, MountType.Offline));
_logger.LogWarning( $"未找到设备{status.DeviceId} ,因此无法处理设备状态");
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, $"处理{status.DeviceId} 的状态{status.Status} 时遇到异常:{ex.Message}");
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ namespace IoTSharp.Handlers
string topic = e.ApplicationMessage.Topic.ToLower();
var tpary = topic.Split('/', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var _dev = await FoundDevice(e.ClientId);
if (tpary.Length >= 3 && tpary[0] == "devices" && _dev != null)
Device device = JudgeOrCreateNewDevice(tpary, _dev);
......@@ -166,7 +167,8 @@ namespace IoTSharp.Handlers
//tpary.Length >= 3 && tpary[0] == "devices" && _dev != null
_logger.LogWarning($"不支持{e.ClientId}{e.ApplicationMessage.Topic}格式,Length:{tpary.Length },{tpary[0] },{ _dev != null}");
catch (Exception ex)
......@@ -180,10 +182,12 @@ namespace IoTSharp.Handlers
private void ResetDeviceStatus(Device device,bool status=true)
if (device.DeviceType == DeviceType.Device && device.Owner != null && device.Owner?.Id != null)//虚拟设备上线
_logger.LogInformation($"重置状态{device.Id} {device.Name}");
if (device.DeviceType == DeviceType.Device && device.Owner != null && device.Owner?.Id != null && device.Owner?.Id !=Guid.Empty)//虚拟设备上线
_queue.PublishDeviceStatus(device.Id, status);
_queue.PublishDeviceStatus(device.Owner.Id, status);
_logger.LogInformation($"重置网关状态{device.Owner.Id} {device.Owner.Name}");
......@@ -244,9 +248,23 @@ namespace IoTSharp.Handlers
private async Task<Device> FoundDevice(string clientid)
var ss = await _serverEx.GetSessionStatusAsync();
var _device = ss.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ClientId == clientid)?.Items?.FirstOrDefault(k => (string)k.Key == nameof(Device)).Value as Device;
return _device;
Device device = null;
var clients = await _serverEx.GetClientStatusAsync();
var client = clients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClientId == clientid);
if (client != null)
device = client.Session?.Items?.FirstOrDefault(k => (string)k.Key == nameof(Device)).Value as Device;
if (device==null)
_logger.LogWarning($"未能找到客户端{clientid }回话附加的设备信息,现在断开此链接。 ");
await client.DisconnectAsync();
_logger.LogWarning($"未能找到客户端{clientid }上下文信息");
return device;
private async Task RequestAttributes(string[] tpary, Dictionary<string, object> keyValues, Device device)
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