提交 5050c686 编写于 作者: 武汉红喜's avatar 武汉红喜


上级 d16775b8
......@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ public class ConcurrentTreeMap<K, V> {
public V putIfAbsentAndRetExsit(K key, V value) {
public V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) {
try {
if (roundQueue.put(key)) {
V exsit = tree.get(key);
if (null == exsit) {
V oldValue = tree.get(key);
if (null == oldValue) {
tree.put(key, value);
exsit = value;
oldValue = value;
return exsit;
return oldValue;
} else {
V exsit = tree.get(key);
return exsit;
V oldValue = tree.get(key);
return oldValue;
} finally {
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