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Update README.md

上级 3f8c8a71
......@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@ whatsmars-dbrouter | 分库分表实现
whatsmars-dubbo | 高性能分布式RPC框架
whatsmars-earth | springmvc+velocity实战
whatsmars-elasticjob | 分布式调度
whatsmars-elasticsearch | Elasticsearch 5.x
whatsmars-elasticsearch | Elasticsearch
whatsmars-javase | Java基础 & 新特性
whatsmars-mq | 消息中间件RocketMQ,Kafka等
whatsmars-redis | jedis & Spring Data Redis
whatsmars-redis | Redis客户端简单封装
whatsmars-rpc | RPC
whatsmars-sharding-jdbc | 分布式数据库中间件
whatsmars-spring | Spring Framework
whatsmars-spring-boot | Spring Boot 1.5.x
whatsmars-spring-boot | Spring Boot 实战
whatsmars-spring-boot-samples | Spring Boot 2+
whatsmars-spring-cloud | Finchley
whatsmars-tomcat | 模拟tomcat实现,embed tomcat
whatsmars-tomcat | 模拟tomcat实现
### Mars Plan
- [x] [*Dubbo*](https://github.com/alibaba/dubbo)
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