未验证 提交 6cf70aaa 编写于 作者: S Sébastien Ros 提交者: GitHub

Release 1.7 (#14111)

上级 62691ab0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<clear />
<add key="NuGet" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" />
<!-- This feed should not be used when shipping on NuGet. It should just be used in the dev branch while dependencies are not available on NuGet.org -->
<!-- add key="OrchardCore" value="https://nuget.cloudsmith.io/orchardcore/preview/v3/index.json" /-->
<disabledPackageSources />
<clear />
<add key="NuGet" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" />
<!-- This feed should not be used when shipping on NuGet. It should just be used in the dev branch while dependencies are not available on NuGet.org -->
<!-- add key="OrchardCore" value="https://nuget.cloudsmith.io/orchardcore/preview/v3/index.json" /-->
<disabledPackageSources />
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Orchard Core consists of two distinct projects:
## Build Status
Stable (release/1.6):
Stable (release/1.7):
[![Build status](https://github.com/OrchardCMS/OrchardCore/actions/workflows/release_ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/OrchardCMS/OrchardCore/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Release+-+CI%22)
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Nightly (main):
## Status
### 1.6.0
### 1.7.0
The software is finished -- and by finished, we mean there are no show-stopping, little-children-killing bugs in it. That we know of. There are probably numerous lower-priority bugs triaged into the next point release or service pack, as well.
......@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ nav:
- Owners: docs/resources/owners/README.md
- Workshops: docs/resources/workshops/README.md
- Releases:
- 1.7.0: docs/releases/1.7.0.md
- 1.6.0: docs/releases/1.6.0.md
- 1.5.0: docs/releases/1.5.0.md
- 1.4.0: docs/releases/1.4.0.md
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<PackageManagement Include="NodaTime" Version="3.1.9" />
<PackageManagement Include="OpenIddict.AspNetCore" Version="4.7.0" />
<PackageManagement Include="OpenIddict.Core" Version="4.7.0" />
<PackageManagement Include="OrchardCore.Translations.All" Version="1.6.1" />
<PackageManagement Include="OrchardCore.Translations.All" Version="1.7.1" />
<PackageManagement Include="PdfPig" Version="0.1.8" />
<PackageManagement Include="Serilog.AspNetCore" Version="7.0.0" />
<PackageManagement Include="Shortcodes" Version="1.3.3" />
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<VersionSuffix Condition="'$(VersionSuffix)'!='' AND '$(BuildNumber)' != ''">$(VersionSuffix)-$(BuildNumber)</VersionSuffix>
namespace OrchardCore.Modules.Manifest
namespace OrchardCore.Modules.Manifest;
public static class ManifestConstants
public static class ManifestConstants
public const string OrchardCoreTeam = "The Orchard Core Team";
public const string OrchardCoreTeam = "The Orchard Core Team";
public const string OrchardCoreVersion = "1.6.0";
public const string OrchardCoreVersion = "1.7.0";
public const string OrchardCoreWebsite = "https://orchardcore.net";
public const string OrchardCoreWebsite = "https://orchardcore.net";
public const string AdminTag = "Admin";
public const string AdminTag = "Admin";
......@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ Orchard Core CMS supports all major site building strategies:
## Status
The latest released version of Orchard Core is `1.6.0`.
The release notes can be found on <https://github.com/OrchardCMS/OrchardCore/releases/tag/v1.6.0>
The latest released version of Orchard Core is `1.7.0`.
The release notes can be found on <https://github.com/OrchardCMS/OrchardCore/releases/tag/v1.7.0>
Here is a more detailed [roadmap](https://github.com/OrchardCMS/OrchardCore/wiki/Roadmap).
......@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ More information about `dotnet new` can be found at <https://docs.microsoft.com/
Once the .NET Core SDK has been installed, type the following command to install the templates for creating Orchard Core web applications:
dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.6.0
dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.7.0
This will use the most stable release of Orchard Core. In order to use the latest `main` branch of Orchard Core, the following command can be used:
dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.6.0-* --nuget-source https://nuget.cloudsmith.io/orchardcore/preview/v3/index.json
dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.7.0-* --nuget-source https://nuget.cloudsmith.io/orchardcore/preview/v3/index.json
## Create a new website
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.6.0-* --nuget-source https://
#### Generate an Orchard Cms Web Application
!!! warning
Due to a bug in the current published version, the following `dotnet new` commands will require the extra argument `--orchard-version 1.6.0`. For instance, instead of typing `dotnet new occms` use `dotnet new occms --orchard-version 1.6.0`
Due to a bug in the current published version, the following `dotnet new` commands will require the extra argument `--orchard-version 1.7.0`. For instance, instead of typing `dotnet new occms` use `dotnet new occms --orchard-version 1.7.0`
dotnet new occms
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Options:
-ov|--orchard-version Specifies which version of Orchard Core packages to use.
string - Optional
Default: 1.6.0
Default: 1.7.0
Logging can be ignored with this command:
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Options:
-ov|--orchard-version Specifies which version of Orchard Core packages to use.
string - Optional
Default: 1.6.0
Default: 1.7.0
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ There are different ways to create sites and modules for Orchard Core. You can l
You can install the latest released templates using this command:
```dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.6.0-*```
```dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.7.0-*```
!!! note
To use the development branch of the template add `--nuget-source https://nuget.cloudsmith.io/orchardcore/preview/v3/index.json`
......@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ The next step is to reference the module from the application, by adding a proje
We also need a reference to the `OrchardCore.Admin` package in order to be able to implement the required interfaces:
```dotnet add .\MyModule\MyModule.csproj package OrchardCore.Admin --version 1.6.0-*```
```dotnet add .\MyModule\MyModule.csproj package OrchardCore.Admin --version 1.7.0-*```
!!! note
To use the development branch of the template add ` --source https://nuget.cloudsmith.io/orchardcore/preview/v3/index.json --version 1.6.0-*`
To use the development branch of the template add ` --source https://nuget.cloudsmith.io/orchardcore/preview/v3/index.json --version 1.7.0-*`
## Adding our controller and views
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ There are different ways to create sites and modules for Orchard Core. You can l
In this guide we will use our "Code Generation Templates". You can install the latest stable release of the templates using this command:
```dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.6.0-*```
```dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.7.0-*```
!!! note
To use the development branch of the template add `--nuget-source https://nuget.cloudsmith.io/orchardcore/preview/v3/index.json`
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ There are different ways to create sites and modules for Orchard Core. You can l
In this guide we will use our [Code Generation Templates](../../getting-started/templates/). You can install the latest stable release of the templates using this command:
```dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.6.0-*```
```dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.7.0-*```
!!! note
To use the development branch of the template add `--nuget-source https://nuget.cloudsmith.io/orchardcore/preview/v3/index.json`
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ This will allow for the Razor Pages to be reloaded without the need to recompile
<PackageReference Include="OrchardCore.Application.Cms.Core.Targets" Version="1.6.0" />
<PackageReference Include="OrchardCore.Application.Cms.Core.Targets" Version="1.7.0" />
This will add the packages from Orchard Core CMS
# Orchard Core 1.7.0
Release date: Not yet released
Release date: September 2023
## Breaking Changes
......@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ Do some housekeeping on GitHub in the [main repo](https://github.com/OrchardCMS/
Update the source so everything looks like on the new version.
- [ ] Create a `release/<version name>` branch out of `main`, e.g. `release/1.3.1`.
- [ ] Create a `release/<version name>` branch out of `main`, e.g. `release/1.8`.
- [ ] Check the [release_ci](https://github.com/OrchardCMS/OrchardCore/blob/main/.github/workflows/release_ci.yml) workflow is using the expected .NET version to build the Docker images.
- [ ] Update the `OrchardCore.Commons.props` file with `<VersionSuffix></VersionSuffix>` such that preview build numbers are not injected in packages. Verify the `VersionPrefix` tag matches the released version.
- [ ] Update module versions in `src/OrchardCore/OrchardCore.Abstractions/Modules/Manifest/ManifestConstants.cs`.
- [ ] Update the version in the command lines in from all documentation files.
......@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ Let the whole world know about our shiny new release. Savor this part! These ste
### After the release is done
- [ ] Create a new milestone with the next release number.
- [ ] Create a new release notes documentation file for the next version in the OrchardCore.Docs project. (e.g, `/releases/1.8.0.md`).
- [ ] Update the `OrchardCore.Commons.props` file with the next release number, and `<VersionSuffix>preview</VersionSuffix>` such that preview builds use the new one.
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