提交 c99e47c4 编写于 作者: A Antoine Griffard

Fix typo in ContntFields doc

上级 431f1021
......@@ -217,17 +217,17 @@ This shape type will match a template file named `{FIELDTYPE}-{DISPLAYMODE}.Disp
This template will need to render an `<option>` tag. Here is an example for a Header display mode options on the Text Field:
``` html tab="Razor"
``` html
string currentDisplayMode = Model.DisplayMode;
<option value="Header" selected="@(currentDisplayMode == "Header")">@T["Header"]</option>
Then you can create the display mode shape by adding a file named `{FIELDTYPE}_Display__{HEADER}` which is
represented by a template file named `{FIELDTYPE}-{HEADER}.Display.cshtml`.
Then, you can create the display mode shape by adding a file named `{FIELDTYPE}_Display__{DISPLAYMODE}` which is
represented by a template file named `{FIELDTYPE}-{DISPLAYMODE}.Display.cshtml`.
For instance the filename for the Header Display Mode on the Text Field is named `TextField-Header.Display.cshtml`.
For instance, the filename for the Header Display Mode on the Text Field is named `TextField-Header.Display.cshtml`.
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