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// License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
// Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#include "environment.h"
namespace librealsense
: _locks_count(0)
_id = std::make_shared<lazy<rs2_extrinsics>>([]()
return identity_matrix();
extrinsics_graph::extrinsics_lock extrinsics_graph::lock()
extrinsics_lock l(*this);
return l;
void extrinsics_graph::register_same_extrinsics(const stream_interface& from, const stream_interface& to)
register_extrinsics(from, to, _id);
void extrinsics_graph::register_extrinsics(const stream_interface& from, const stream_interface& to, std::weak_ptr<lazy<rs2_extrinsics>> extr)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
// First, trim any dead stream, to make sure we are not keep gaining memory
// Second, register new extrinsics
auto from_idx = find_stream_profile(from);
// If this is a new index, add it to the map preemptively,
// This way find on to will be able to return another new index
if (_extrinsics.find(from_idx) == _extrinsics.end())
_extrinsics.insert({from_idx, {}});
auto to_idx = find_stream_profile(to);
_extrinsics[from_idx][to_idx] = extr;
_extrinsics[to_idx][from_idx] = std::shared_ptr<lazy<rs2_extrinsics>>(nullptr);
void extrinsics_graph::register_extrinsics(const stream_interface & from, const stream_interface & to, rs2_extrinsics extr)
auto lazy_extr = std::make_shared<lazy<rs2_extrinsics>>([=]() {return extr; });
register_extrinsics(from, to, lazy_extr);
void extrinsics_graph::cleanup_extrinsics()
if (_locks_count.load()) return;
auto counter = 0;
std::vector<int> invalid_ids;
for (auto&& kvp : _streams)
if (!kvp.second.lock())
auto dead_id = kvp.first;
// Delete all extrinsics going out of this stream
for (auto dead_id : invalid_ids)
for (auto&& elem : _extrinsics)
// Delete any extrinsics going into the stream
if (!invalid_ids.empty())
LOG_INFO("Found " << invalid_ids.size() << " unreachable streams, " << counter << " extrinsics deleted");
int extrinsics_graph::find_stream_profile(const stream_interface& p)
auto sp = p.shared_from_this();
auto max = 0;
for (auto&& kvp : _streams)
max = std::max(max, kvp.first);
if (kvp.second.lock().get() == sp.get())
return kvp.first;
_streams[max + 1] = sp;
return max + 1;
bool extrinsics_graph::try_fetch_extrinsics(const stream_interface& from, const stream_interface& to, rs2_extrinsics* extr)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
auto from_idx = find_stream_profile(from);
auto to_idx = find_stream_profile(to);
if (from_idx == to_idx)
*extr = identity_matrix();
return true;
std::set<int> visited;
return try_fetch_extrinsics(from_idx, to_idx, visited, extr);
bool extrinsics_graph::try_fetch_extrinsics(int from, int to, std::set<int>& visited, rs2_extrinsics* extr)
if (visited.count(from)) return false;
auto it = _extrinsics.find(from);
if (it != _extrinsics.end())
auto back_edge = fetch_edge(to, from);
auto fwd_edge = fetch_edge(from, to);
// Make sure both parts of the edge are still available
if (fwd_edge.get() || back_edge.get())
if (fwd_edge.get())
*extr = fwd_edge->operator*(); // Evaluate the expression
*extr = inverse(back_edge->operator*());
return true;
for (auto&& kvp : it->second)
auto new_from = kvp.first;
auto way = kvp.second;
// Lock down the edge in both directions to ensure we can evaluate the extrinsics
back_edge = fetch_edge(new_from, from);
fwd_edge = fetch_edge(from, new_from);
if ((back_edge.get() || fwd_edge.get()) &&
try_fetch_extrinsics(new_from, to, visited, extr))
const auto local = [&]() {
if (fwd_edge.get())
return fwd_edge->operator*(); // Evaluate the expression
return inverse(back_edge->operator*());
auto pose = to_pose(local) * to_pose(*extr);
*extr = from_pose(pose);
return true;
} // If there are no extrinsics from from, there are none to it, so it is completely isolated
return false;
std::shared_ptr<lazy<rs2_extrinsics>> extrinsics_graph::fetch_edge(int from, int to)
auto it = _extrinsics.find(from);
if (it != _extrinsics.end())
auto it2 = it->second.find(to);
if (it2 != it->second.end())
return it2->second.lock();
return nullptr;
environment& environment::get_instance()
static environment env;
return env;
extrinsics_graph& environment::get_extrinsics_graph()
return _extrinsics;
void environment::set_time_service(std::shared_ptr<platform::time_service> ts)
_ts = ts;
std::shared_ptr<platform::time_service> environment::get_time_service()
return _ts;
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