提交 99cab1ca 编写于 作者: J Justin Collins

Use filtered warnings in rescan

fixes #382
上级 c707fb1c
require 'brakeman/scanner'
require 'terminal-table'
require 'brakeman/util'
require 'brakeman/differ'
#Class for rescanning changed files after an initial scan
class Brakeman::Rescanner < Brakeman::Scanner
......@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ class Brakeman::Rescanner < Brakeman::Scanner
super(options, processor)
@paths = changed_files.map {|f| @app_tree.expand_path(f) }
@old_results = tracker.checks #Old warnings from previous scan
@old_results = tracker.filtered_warnings #Old warnings from previous scan
@changes = nil #True if files had to be rescanned
@reindex = Set.new
......@@ -367,7 +368,6 @@ class Brakeman::RescanReport
def initialize old_results, tracker
@tracker = tracker
@old_results = old_results
@new_results = tracker.checks
@all_warnings = nil
@diff = nil
......@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ class Brakeman::RescanReport
#Returns an array of all warnings found
def all_warnings
@all_warnings ||= new_results.all_warnings
@all_warnings ||= @tracker.filtered_warnings
#Returns an array of warnings which were in the old report but are not in the
......@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ class Brakeman::RescanReport
#Returns a hash of arrays for :new and :fixed warnings
def diff
@diff ||= @new_results.diff(@old_results)
@diff ||= Brakeman::Differ.new(all_warnings, @old_results).diff
#Returns an array of warnings which were in the old report and the new report
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ module BrakemanTester::RescanTestHelper
#Check how many existing warnings were reported
def assert_existing
expected = (@rescan.old_results.all_warnings.length - fixed.length)
expected = (@rescan.old_results.length - fixed.length)
assert_equal expected, existing.length, "Expected #{expected} existing warnings, but found #{existing.length}"
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