提交 b65e6940 编写于 作者: J Justin Collins

Ignore `*_id` calls in SQL

上级 f40686d8
......@@ -551,7 +551,8 @@ class Brakeman::CheckSQL < Brakeman::BaseCheck
safe_value? exp.target
IGNORE_METHODS_IN_SQL.include? exp.method or
quote_call? exp
quote_call? exp or
exp.method.to_s.end_with? "_id"
when :if
safe_value? exp.then_clause and safe_value? exp.else_clause
......@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :admin, :as => :admin
def self.sql_stuff
def self.sql_stuff parent_id
condition = parent_id.blank? ? " IS NULL" : " = #{parent_id}"
self.connection.select_values("SELECT max(id) FROM content_pages WHERE parent_content_page_id #{condition}")[0].to_i
self.connection.select_values("SELECT max(id) FROM content_pages WHERE child_content_page_id #{child_id}")[0].to_i
# Should not warn
User.where("#{table_name}.visibility = ?" +
......@@ -958,13 +958,25 @@ class Rails31Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_sql_injection_with_interpolated_value
assert_warning :type => :warning,
:warning_code => 0,
:fingerprint => "37dc35cac607340b6244a25f7001fb6a67bf830b8c7395e4034f94c60f3d310e",
:fingerprint => "fd5cc1e0538e8a08b47e85cb7a9a699358908d8049daaaa5609539aa8aa03278",
:warning_type => "SQL Injection",
:line => 33,
:message => /^Possible\ SQL\ injection/,
:confidence => 1,
:relative_path => "app/models/user.rb",
:user_input => s(:call, nil, :parent_id)
:user_input => s(:lvar, :parent_id)
def test_sql_injection_with_id_call
assert_no_warning :type => :warning,
:warning_code => 0,
:fingerprint => "b9ade31073676589cf3b6a88de30105f67cc8170e87f2c2fd1c972f50ad2a3b3",
:warning_type => "SQL Injection",
:line => 34,
:message => /^Possible\ SQL\ injection/,
:confidence => 1,
:relative_path => "app/models/user.rb",
:user_input => s(:call, nil, :child_id)
def test_validates_format
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