提交 d1d15870 编写于 作者: J Justin Collins

Fix CheckMailTo to detect the vulnerability

because it was checking the options for the wrong value
上级 492505f7
......@@ -33,13 +33,10 @@ class Brakeman::CheckMailTo < Brakeman::BaseCheck
Brakeman.debug "Checking calls to mail_to for javascript encoding"
tracker.find_call(:target => false, :method => :mail_to).each do |result|
call = result[:call]
args = call.args
args.each do |arg|
result[:call].arglist.each do |arg|
if hash? arg
if hash_access(arg, :javascript)
return result
if option = hash_access(arg, :encode)
return result if symbol? option and option.value == :javascript
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