提交 d34f0c7b 编写于 作者: J Justin Collins

Fix CVE for CVE-2011-2932

上级 532d2b4e
......@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ class Brakeman::CheckEscapeFunction < Brakeman::BaseCheck
if version_between?('2.0.0', '2.3.13') and RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0'
warn :warning_type => 'Cross Site Scripting',
:warning_code => :CVE_2011_2931,
:message => 'Versions before 2.3.14 have a vulnerability in escape method when used with Ruby 1.8: CVE-2011-2931',
:warning_code => :CVE_2011_2932,
:message => 'Versions before 2.3.14 have a vulnerability in escape method when used with Ruby 1.8: CVE-2011-2932',
:confidence => CONFIDENCE[:high],
:gem_info => gemfile_or_environment,
:link_path => "https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rubyonrails-security/Vr_7WSOrEZU/discussion"
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ module Brakeman::WarningCodes
:CVE_2014_3514 => 80,
:CVE_2014_3514_call => 81,
:unscoped_find => 82,
:CVE_2011_2932 => 83,
def self.code name
......@@ -207,6 +207,20 @@ class Rails2Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase
:relative_path => "config/initializers/session_store.rb"
def test_rails_cve_2011_2932
unless Brakeman::Scanner::RUBY_1_9
assert_warning :type => :warning,
:warning_code => 83,
:fingerprint => "19e0b7ab34bebe1c887bc388a195a8619136abe5875d62010628958f0792479c",
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => nil,
:message => /^Versions\ before\ 2\.3\.14\ have\ a\ vulnerabil/,
:confidence => 0,
:relative_path => "config/environment.rb",
:user_input => nil
def test_rails_cve_2012_2660
assert_warning :type => :warning,
:warning_type => "SQL Injection",
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