提交 2948e306 编写于 作者: G GitLab Bot

Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@master

上级 19c226e2
......@@ -15,7 +15,12 @@ module Groups
def update
if @group.update(group_variables_params)
update_result = Ci::ChangeVariablesService.new(
container: @group, current_user: current_user,
params: group_variables_params
if update_result
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render_group_variables }
......@@ -47,7 +47,10 @@ class CommitCollection
pipelines = project.ci_pipelines.latest_pipeline_per_commit(map(&:id), ref)
each do |commit|
commit.set_latest_pipeline_for_ref(ref, pipelines[commit.id])
pipeline = pipelines[commit.id]
pipeline&.number_of_warnings # preload number of warnings
commit.set_latest_pipeline_for_ref(ref, pipeline)
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Ci
class ChangeVariableService < BaseContainerService
def execute
case params[:action]
when :create
when :update
variable.tap do |target_variable|
when :destroy
variable.tap do |target_variable|
def variable
container.variables.find_by!(params[:variable_params].slice(:key)) # rubocop:disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Ci
class ChangeVariablesService < BaseContainerService
def execute
title: Preload number of pipeline warnings for commits
merge_request: 37669
type: performance
......@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ Due to [an issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/219299),
projects in personal namespaces will not show owner (`50`) permission
for owner.
## Limitations
The `group_saml_identity` attribute is only visible to a group owner for [SSO enabled groups](../user/group/saml_sso/index.md).
The `email` attribute is only visible to a group owner who manages the user through [Group Managed Accounts](../user/group/saml_sso/group_managed_accounts.md).
## List all members of a group or project
Gets a list of group or project members viewable by the authenticated user.
......@@ -389,9 +395,3 @@ curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://git
## Give a group access to a project
See [share project with group](projects.md#share-project-with-group)
## Limitations
The `group_saml_identity` attribute is only visible to a group owner for [SSO enabled groups](../user/group/saml_sso/index.md).
The `email` attribute is only visible to a group owner who manages the user through [Group Managed Accounts](../user/group/saml_sso/group_managed_accounts.md).
......@@ -238,3 +238,34 @@ This problem will disappear as soon as we upgrade to Rails 6 and use the Zeitwer
- Rails Guides: [Autoloading and Reloading Constants (Classic Mode)](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/autoloading_and_reloading_constants_classic_mode.html)
- Ruby Constant lookup: [Everything you ever wanted to know about constant lookup in Ruby](http://cirw.in/blog/constant-lookup)
- Rails 6 and Zeitwerk autoloader: [Understanding Zeitwerk in Rails 6](https://medium.com/cedarcode/understanding-zeitwerk-in-rails-6-f168a9f09a1f)
## Storing assets that do not require pre-compiling
Assets that need to be served to the user are stored under the `app/assets` directory, which is later pre-compiled and placed in the `public/` directory.
However, you cannot access the content of any file from within `app/assets` from the application code, as we do not include that folder in production installations as a [space saving measure](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/-/commit/ca049f990b223f5e1e412830510a7516222810be).
support_bot = User.support_bot
# accessing a file from the `app/assets` folder
support_bot.avatar = Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'images', 'bot_avatars', 'support_bot.png').open
While the code above works in local environments, it errors out in production installations as the `app/assets` folder is not included.
### Solution
The alternative is the `lib/assets` folder. Use it if you need to add assets (like images) to the repo that meet the following conditions:
- The assets do not need to be directly served to the user (and hence need not be pre-compiled).
- The assets do need to be accessed via application code.
In short:
Use `app/assets` for storing any asset that needs to be precompiled and served to the end user.
Use `lib/assets` for storing any asset that does not need to be served to the end user directly, but is still required to be accessed by the application code.
MR for reference: [!37671](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/37671)
......@@ -738,8 +738,8 @@ appear to be associated to any of the services running, since they all appear to
| `server` | `topology > nodes > node_services` | `enablement` | | | The type of web server used (Unicorn or Puma) |
| `network_policy_forwards` | `counts` | `defend` | | EE | Cumulative count of forwarded packets by Container Network |
| `network_policy_drops` | `counts` | `defend` | | EE | Cumulative count of dropped packets by Container Network |
| `vendor` | `container_registry` | `package` | | CE+EE | The Container Registry vendor (GitLab or third-party) |
| `version` | `container_registry` | `package` | | CE+EE | The Container Registry version (only when vendor is GitLab) |
| `vendor` | `container_registry_server` | `package` | | CE+EE | The Container Registry vendor (GitLab or third-party) |
| `version` | `container_registry_server` | `package` | | CE+EE | The Container Registry version (only when vendor is GitLab) |
## Example Usage Ping payload
......@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ The following is example content of the Usage Ping payload.
"enabled": true,
"version": "1.17.0"
"container_registry": {
"container_registry_server": {
"vendor": "gitlab",
"version": "2.9.1-gitlab"
......@@ -142,6 +142,9 @@ the following node pools:
- `e2-highcpu-16` (16 vCPU, 16 GB memory) pre-emptible nodes with autoscaling
Node pool image type must be `Container-Optimized OS (cos)`, not `Container-Optimized OS with Containerd (cos_containerd)`,
due to this [known issue on GitLab Runner Kubernetes executor](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/4755)
### Helm
The Helm version used is defined in the
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Panels in a panel group are laid out in rows consisting of two panels per row. A
| Property | Type | Required | Description |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------- |
| `type` | enum | no, defaults to `area-chart` | Specifies the panel type to use, for example `area-chart`, `line-chart` or `anomaly-chart`. [View documentation on all panel types.](panel_types.md) |
| `type` | string | no, defaults to `area-chart` | Specifies the panel type to use, for example `area-chart`, `line-chart` or `anomaly-chart`. Only types listed among [all panel types](panel_types.md) are allowed. |
| `title` | string | yes | Heading for the panel. |
| `y_label` | string | no, but highly encouraged | Y-Axis label for the panel. |
| `y_axis` | string | no | Y-Axis configuration for the panel. |
......@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ period to `0`.
If you want to enforce 2FA only for certain groups, you can:
1. Enable it in the group's **Settings > General** page.
1. Optionally specify a grace period as above.
1. Enable it in the group's **Settings > General** page. Navigate to **Permissions, LFS, 2FA > Two-factor authentication**.
You can then check the **Require all users in this group to setup Two-factor authentication** option.
1. You can also specify a grace period in the **Time before enforced** option.
To change this setting, you need to be administrator or owner of the group.
......@@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ View and resolve abuse reports from GitLab users.
GitLab administrators can view and [resolve](#resolving-abuse-reports) abuse
reports in the Admin Area.
## Receiving notifications of abuse reports
To receive notifications of new abuse reports by e-mail, follow these steps:
1. Select **{admin}** **Admin Area > Settings > Reporting**.
1. Expand the **Abuse reports** section.
1. Provide an email address.
## Reporting abuse
To find out more about reporting abuse, see [abuse reports user
......@@ -243,6 +243,36 @@ Click this button to create a merge request to apply the solution onto the sourc
![Create merge request from vulnerability](img/create_issue_with_list_hover.png)
### Managing related issues for a vulnerability
Issues can be linked to a vulnerability using the related issues block on the vulnerability page.
The relationship is uni-directional. The vulnerability page shows related issues, but the issue page
doesn't show the vulnerability it's related to. An issue can only be related to one vulnerability at
a time. Issues can be linked across groups and projects.
#### Adding a related issue
You can link an issue by clicking the **{plus}** button in the **Related Issues** block.
![Vulnerability related issues add button](img/vulnerability_related_issues_add_button_v13_2.png)
A text box appears that lets you type an issue number or paste an issue link. You can enter multiple
issues at once. Pressing the space bar after each issue number or link converts them to tags that
you can remove by clicking the **{close}** icon to the tag's right. Typing `#` followed by a number
shows an autocomplete menu. Click an issue in the menu to add it as a tag. When you're finished
entering issues, click the **Add** button to link the issues to the vulnerability. Alternatively,
click **Cancel** to exit without linking any issues.
![Vulnerability related issues text box tags animation](img/vulnerability_related_issues_text_box_tags_v13_2.gif)
### Removing a related issue
Click the **{close}** icon to right of an issue to remove it as a related issue. Note that this only
removes it as a related issue of the vulnerability; it doesn't modify or remove the issue itself.
You can link it to the vulnerability again if desired.
![Vulnerability related issues remove issue animation](img/vulnerability_related_issues_remove_v13_2.gif)
## Security approvals in merge requests
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/9928) in [GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 12.2.
stage: Configure
group: Configure
stage: Monitor
group: APM
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#designated-technical-writers
......@@ -9,56 +9,54 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
> - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/4752) in [GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 11.0.
> - [Moved](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/26383) to [GitLab Core](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 12.9.
GitLab makes it easy to view the logs of running pods in [connected Kubernetes clusters](index.md).
By displaying the logs directly in GitLab in the **Log Explorer**, developers can avoid
managing console tools or jumping to a different interface.
NOTE: **Note:**
[Learn more about Kubernetes + GitLab](https://about.gitlab.com/solutions/kubernetes/).
Everything you need to build, test, deploy, and run your application at scale.
## Overview
[Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) logs can be viewed directly within GitLab with
the **Log Explorer**.
GitLab makes it easy to view the logs of running pods or managed applications in
[connected Kubernetes clusters](index.md). By displaying the logs directly in GitLab
in the **Log Explorer**, developers can avoid managing console tools or jumping
to a different interface. The **Log Explorer** interface provides a set of filters
above the log file data, depending on your configuration:
![Pod logs](img/kubernetes_pod_logs_v12_10.png)
- **Namespace** - Select the environment to display. Users with Maintainer or
greater [permissions](../../permissions.md) can also select Managed Apps.
- **Search** - Only available if the Elastic Stack managed application is installed.
- **Time picker** - Select the range of time to display. Only available if the
Elastic Stack managed application is installed.
- **Scroll to bottom** **{scroll_down}** - Scroll to the end of the displayed logs.
- **Refresh** **{retry}** - Reload the displayed logs.
<i class="fa fa-youtube-play youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i>
To learn more, see [APM - Log Explorer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWclZHA7Dgw).
To learn more about the Log Explorer, see [APM - Log Explorer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWclZHA7Dgw).
NOTE: **Note:**
[Learn more about Kubernetes + GitLab](https://about.gitlab.com/solutions/kubernetes/).
Everything you need to build, test, deploy, and run your application at scale.
## Requirements
[Deploying to a Kubernetes environment](../deploy_boards.md#enabling-deploy-boards)
is required to use Logs.
## Usage
To access logs, you must have the right [permissions](../../permissions.md#project-members-permissions).
You can access them in two ways.
### From the project sidebar
## Accessing the log explorer
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/merge_requests/22011) in GitLab 12.5.
To access the **Log explorer**, click the **More actions** **{ellipsis_v}** menu on
a [metrics dashboard](../../../operations/metrics/index.md) and select **View logs**, or:
Go to **{cloud-gear}** **Operations > Pod logs** on the sidebar menu to display
the **Log Explorer**.
1. Sign in as a user with the _View pod logs_
[permissions](../../permissions.md#project-members-permissions) in the project.
1. *To navigate to the **Log Explorer** from the sidebar menu,* go to
**{cloud-gear}** **Operations > Pod logs**.
([Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/merge_requests/22011) in GitLab 12.5.)
1. *To navigate to the **Log Explorer** from a specific pod on a [Deploy Board](../deploy_boards.md):*
![Sidebar menu](img/sidebar_menu_pod_logs_v12_10.png)
### From Deploy Boards
Logs can be displayed by clicking on a specific pod from [Deploy Boards](../deploy_boards.md):
1. Go to **{cloud-gear}** **Operations > Environments** and find the environment
which contains the desired pod, like `production`.
1. On the **Environments** page, you should see the status of the environment's
pods with [Deploy Boards](../deploy_boards.md).
1. When mousing over the list of pods, a tooltip will appear with the exact pod name
and status.
![Deploy Boards pod list](img/pod_logs_deploy_board.png)
1. Click on the desired pod to display the **Log Explorer**.
1. Go to **{cloud-gear}** **Operations > Environments** and find the environment
which contains the desired pod, like `production`.
1. On the **Environments** page, you should see the status of the environment's
pods with [Deploy Boards](../deploy_boards.md).
1. When mousing over the list of pods, GitLab displays a tooltip with the exact pod name
and status.
![Deploy Boards pod list](img/pod_logs_deploy_board.png)
1. Click on the desired pod to display the **Log Explorer**.
### Logs view
......@@ -69,6 +67,7 @@ The **Log Explorer** lets you filter the logs by:
- [From GitLab 12.7](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/21656),
[full text search](#full-text-search).
- [From GitLab 12.8](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/197879), dates.
- [From GitLab 13.2](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/208790), managed apps.
Loading more than 500 log lines is possible from
[GitLab 12.9](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/198050) onward.
......@@ -93,17 +92,16 @@ Click **Show last** in the **Log Explorer** to see the available options.
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/21656) in GitLab 12.7.
When you enable [Elastic Stack](../../clusters/applications.md#elastic-stack) on your cluster,
you can search the content of your logs through a search bar.
The search is passed on to Elasticsearch using the
you can search the content of your logs through a search bar. The search is passed
to Elasticsearch using the
Elasticsearch function, which supports the following operators:
| Operator | Description |
| `\|` | An OR operation. |
| Operator | Description |
| `\|` | An `OR` operation. |
| `-` | Negates a single token. |
| `+` | An AND operation. |
| `+` | An `AND` operation. |
| `"` | Wraps a number of tokens to signify a phrase for searching. |
| `*` (at the end of a term) | A prefix query. |
| `(` and `)` | Precedence. |
......@@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Advantages of migrating to Git/GitLab:
## How to migrate
The best option to migrate from TFVC to Git is to use the [`git-tfs`](https://github.com/git-tfs/git-tfs)
tool. Read the [Migrate TFS to Git](https://github.com/git-tfs/git-tfs/blob/master/doc/usecases/migrate_tfs_to_git.md)
guide for more details.
Migration options from TFVC to Git depend on your operating system.
- If you're migrating on Microsoft Windows:
Use the [`git-tfs`](https://github.com/git-tfs/git-tfs)
Read the [Migrate TFS to Git](https://github.com/git-tfs/git-tfs/blob/master/doc/usecases/migrate_tfs_to_git.md) guide for details.
- If you're on a Unix-based system:
Follow the procedures described with this [TFVC to Git migration tool](https://github.com/turbo/gtfotfs).
......@@ -51,9 +51,11 @@ module API
optional :variable_type, type: String, values: ::Ci::GroupVariable.variable_types.keys, desc: 'The type of variable, must be one of env_var or file. Defaults to env_var'
post ':id/variables' do
variable_params = declared_params(include_missing: false)
variable = user_group.variables.create(variable_params)
variable = ::Ci::ChangeVariableService.new(
container: user_group,
current_user: current_user,
params: { action: :create, variable_params: declared_params(include_missing: false) }
if variable.valid?
present variable, with: Entities::Variable
......@@ -74,17 +76,19 @@ module API
# rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
put ':id/variables/:key' do
variable = user_group.variables.find_by(key: params[:key])
break not_found!('GroupVariable') unless variable
variable_params = declared_params(include_missing: false).except(:key)
variable = ::Ci::ChangeVariableService.new(
container: user_group,
current_user: current_user,
params: { action: :update, variable_params: declared_params(include_missing: false) }
if variable.update(variable_params)
if variable.valid?
present variable, with: Entities::Variable
rescue ::ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
# rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
......@@ -96,10 +100,17 @@ module API
# rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
delete ':id/variables/:key' do
variable = user_group.variables.find_by(key: params[:key])
not_found!('GroupVariable') unless variable
variable = user_group.variables.find_by!(key: params[:key])
destroy_conditionally!(variable) do |target_variable|
container: user_group,
current_user: current_user,
params: { action: :destroy, variable_params: declared_params(include_missing: false) }
rescue ::ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
# rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ module Gitlab
enabled: alt_usage_data(fallback: nil) { Gitlab.config.pages.enabled },
version: alt_usage_data { Gitlab::Pages::VERSION }
container_registry: {
container_registry_server: {
vendor: alt_usage_data(fallback: nil) { Gitlab::CurrentSettings.container_registry_vendor },
version: alt_usage_data(fallback: nil) { Gitlab::CurrentSettings.container_registry_version }
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module QA
with_them do
let(:project) do
let!(:project) do
Resource::Project.fabricate_via_api! do |project|
project.name = "#{template}-autodevops-project-template"
project.template_name = template
......@@ -591,8 +591,8 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::UsageData, :aggregate_failures do
expect(subject[:gitaly][:clusters]).to be >= 0
expect(subject[:gitaly][:filesystems]).to be_an(Array)
expect(subject[:gitaly][:filesystems].first).to be_a(String)
expect(subject[:container_registry][:vendor]).to eq('gitlab')
expect(subject[:container_registry][:version]).to eq('x.y.z')
expect(subject[:container_registry_server][:vendor]).to eq('gitlab')
expect(subject[:container_registry_server][:version]).to eq('x.y.z')
......@@ -52,27 +52,38 @@ RSpec.describe CommitCollection do
describe '#with_latest_pipeline' do
let(:another_commit) { project.commit("60ecb67744cb56576c30214ff52294f8ce2def98") }
let!(:pipeline) do
ref: 'master',
sha: commit.id,
status: 'success',
project: project
create(:ci_empty_pipeline, ref: 'master', sha: commit.id, status: 'success', project: project)
let!(:another_pipeline) do
create(:ci_empty_pipeline, ref: 'master', sha: another_commit.id, status: 'success', project: project)
let(:collection) { described_class.new(project, [commit]) }
let(:collection) { described_class.new(project, [commit, another_commit]) }
it 'sets the latest pipeline for every commit so no additional queries are necessary' do
commits = collection.with_latest_pipeline('master')
recorder = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do
expect(commits.map { |c| c.latest_pipeline('master') })
.to eq([pipeline])
.to eq([pipeline, another_pipeline])
expect(recorder.count).to be_zero
it 'performs a single query to fetch pipeline warnings' do
recorder = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do
collection.with_latest_pipeline('master').each do |c|
expect(recorder.count).to eq(2) # 1 for pipelines, 1 for warnings counts
describe '#with_markdown_cache' do
......@@ -169,6 +169,14 @@ RSpec.describe API::GroupVariables do
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found)
it 'responds with 400 if the update fails' do
put api("/groups/#{group.id}/variables/#{variable.key}", user), params: { value: 'shrt', masked: true }
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request)
expect(variable.reload.masked).to eq(false)
expect(json_response['message']).to eq('value' => ['is invalid'])
context 'authorized user with invalid permissions' do
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Ci::ChangeVariableService do
let(:service) { described_class.new(container: group, current_user: user, params: params) }
let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:group) { create(:group) }
describe '#execute' do
subject(:execute) { service.execute }
context 'when creating a variable' do
let(:params) { { variable_params: { key: 'new_variable', value: 'variable_value' }, action: :create } }
it 'persists a variable' do
expect { execute }.to change(Ci::GroupVariable, :count).from(0).to(1)
context 'when updating a variable' do
let!(:variable) { create(:ci_group_variable, value: 'old_value') }
let(:params) { { variable_params: { key: variable.key, value: 'new_value' }, action: :update } }
before do
group.variables << variable
it 'updates a variable' do
expect { execute }.to change { variable.reload.value }.from('old_value').to('new_value')
context 'when the variable does not exist' do
before do
it 'raises a record not found error' do
expect { execute }.to raise_error(::ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
context 'when destroying a variable' do
let!(:variable) { create(:ci_group_variable) }
let(:params) { { variable_params: { key: variable.key }, action: :destroy } }
before do
group.variables << variable
it 'destroys a variable' do
expect { execute }.to change { Ci::GroupVariable.exists?(variable.id) }.from(true).to(false)
context 'when the variable does not exist' do
before do
it 'raises a record not found error' do
expect { execute }.to raise_error(::ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Ci::ChangeVariablesService do
let(:service) { described_class.new(container: group, current_user: user, params: params) }
let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:group) { spy(:group, variables: []) }
let(:params) { { variables_attributes: [{ key: 'new_variable', value: 'variable_value' }] } }
describe '#execute' do
subject(:execute) { service.execute }
it 'delegates to ActiveRecord update' do
expect(group).to have_received(:update).with(params)
# frozen_string_literal: true
module StubObjectStorage
def stub_packages_object_storage(**params)
stub_object_storage_uploader(config: ::Gitlab.config.packages.object_store,
uploader: ::Packages::PackageFileUploader,
remote_directory: 'packages',
def stub_dependency_proxy_object_storage(**params)
stub_object_storage_uploader(config: ::Gitlab.config.dependency_proxy.object_store,
uploader: ::DependencyProxy::FileUploader,
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'gitlab:packages namespace rake task' do
context 'object storage disabled' do
before do
stub_packages_object_storage(enabled: false)
stub_package_file_object_storage(enabled: false)
it "doesn't migrate files" do
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'gitlab:packages namespace rake task' do
context 'object storage enabled' do
before do
it 'migrates local file to object storage' do
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ RSpec.describe Packages::PackageFileUploader do
context 'object store is remote' do
before do
include_context 'with storage', described_class::Store::REMOTE
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ RSpec.describe Packages::PackageFileUploader do
context 'with object storage enabled' do
before do
it 'can store file remotely' do
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