提交 58a56a03 编写于 作者: K Kamil Trzcinski

Don't create CI status for refs that doesn't have .gitlab-ci.yml, even if the builds are enabled

上级 b2c593da
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ v 8.3.0 (unreleased)
- Migrate all CI::Services and CI::WebHooks to Services and WebHooks
- Don't show project fork event as "imported"
- Add API endpoint to fetch merge request commits list
- Don't create CI status for refs that doesn't have .gitlab-ci.yml, even if the builds are enabled
- Expose events API with comment information and author info
- Fix: Ensure "Remove Source Branch" button is not shown when branch is being deleted. #3583
- Run custom Git hooks when branch is created or deleted.
......@@ -218,16 +218,6 @@ module Ci
update!(committed_at: DateTime.now)
# This method checks if build status should be displayed.
# Build status should be available only if builds are enabled
# on project level and `.gitlab-ci.yml` file is present.
def show_build_status?
project.builds_enabled? && ci_yaml_file
def save_yaml_error(error)
......@@ -16,9 +16,23 @@ class CreateCommitBuildsService
return false
tag = Gitlab::Git.tag_ref?(origin_ref)
commit = project.ensure_ci_commit(sha)
commit = project.ci_commit(sha)
unless commit
commit = project.ci_commits.new(sha: sha)
# Skip creating ci_commit when no gitlab-ci.yml is found
unless commit.ci_yaml_file
return false
# Create a new ci_commit
# Skip creating builds for commits that have [ci skip]
unless commit.skip_ci?
# Create builds for commit
tag = Gitlab::Git.tag_ref?(origin_ref)
commit.create_builds(ref, tag, user)
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
- @commit.parents.each do |parent|
= link_to parent.short_id, namespace_project_commit_path(@project.namespace, @project, parent), class: "monospace"
- if @ci_commit && @ci_commit.show_build_status?
- if @ci_commit
= link_to ci_status_path(@ci_commit), class: "ci-status ci-#{@ci_commit.status}" do
= ci_status_icon(@ci_commit)
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%a.text-expander.js-toggle-button ...
- if ci_commit && ci_commit.show_build_status?
- if ci_commit
= render_ci_status(ci_commit)
= clipboard_button(clipboard_text: commit.id)
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ describe CreateCommitBuildsService, services: true do
it 'skips commits without .gitlab-ci.yml' do
it 'skips creating ci_commit for refs without .gitlab-ci.yml' do
result = service.execute(project, user,
ref: 'refs/heads/0_1',
......@@ -60,13 +60,11 @@ describe CreateCommitBuildsService, services: true do
after: '31das312',
commits: [{ message: 'Message' }]
expect(result).to be_persisted
expect(result.builds.any?).to be_falsey
expect(result.status).to eq('skipped')
expect(result.yaml_errors).to be_nil
expect(result).to be_falsey
expect(Ci::Commit.count).to eq(0)
it 'skips commits if yaml is invalid' do
it 'fails commits if yaml is invalid' do
message = 'message'
allow_any_instance_of(Ci::Commit).to receive(:git_commit_message) { message }
stub_ci_commit_yaml_file('invalid: file: file')
......@@ -77,6 +75,7 @@ describe CreateCommitBuildsService, services: true do
after: '31das312',
commits: commits
expect(commit).to be_persisted
expect(commit.builds.any?).to be false
expect(commit.status).to eq('failed')
expect(commit.yaml_errors).to_not be_nil
......@@ -97,6 +96,7 @@ describe CreateCommitBuildsService, services: true do
after: '31das312',
commits: commits
expect(commit).to be_persisted
expect(commit.builds.any?).to be false
expect(commit.status).to eq("skipped")
......@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ describe CreateCommitBuildsService, services: true do
commits: commits
expect(commit).to be_persisted
expect(commit.builds.first.name).to eq("staging")
......@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ describe CreateCommitBuildsService, services: true do
after: '31das312',
commits: commits
expect(commit).to be_persisted
expect(commit.builds.any?).to be false
expect(commit.status).to eq("skipped")
expect(commit.yaml_errors).to be_nil
......@@ -140,6 +142,7 @@ describe CreateCommitBuildsService, services: true do
after: '31das312',
commits: commits
expect(commit).to be_persisted
expect(commit.builds.count(:all)).to eq(2)
commit = service.execute(project, user,
......@@ -148,6 +151,7 @@ describe CreateCommitBuildsService, services: true do
after: '31das312',
commits: commits
expect(commit).to be_persisted
expect(commit.builds.count(:all)).to eq(2)
......@@ -163,6 +167,7 @@ describe CreateCommitBuildsService, services: true do
commits: commits
expect(commit).to be_persisted
expect(commit.status).to eq("failed")
expect(commit.builds.any?).to be false
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