提交 ace38e83 编写于 作者: S Stan Hu

Fix external issue tracker "Issues" link leading to 404s

a70431f8 modified the behavior to link to the external issue tracker
issues URL instead of the project path URL. This restores the
previous behavior.

Closes #21252, #21402
上级 501b570d
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ v 8.11.3 (unreleased)
- Label list shows all issues (opened or closed) with that label
- Don't show resolve conflicts link before MR status is updated
- Don't prevent viewing the MR when git refs for conflicts can't be found on disk
- Fix external issue tracker "Issues" link leading to 404s
v 8.11.2
- Show "Create Merge Request" widget for push events to fork projects on the source project. !5978
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class Projects::IssuesController < Projects::ApplicationController
if action_name == 'new'
redirect_to external.new_issue_path
redirect_to external.issues_url
redirect_to external.project_path
......@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ describe Projects::IssuesController do
describe "GET #index" do
context 'external issue tracker' do
it 'redirects to the external issue tracker' do
external = double(issues_url: 'https://example.com/issues')
external = double(project_path: 'https://example.com/project')
allow(project).to receive(:external_issue_tracker).and_return(external)
controller.instance_variable_set(:@project, project)
get :index, namespace_id: project.namespace.path, project_id: project
expect(response).to redirect_to('https://example.com/issues')
expect(response).to redirect_to('https://example.com/project')
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