未验证 提交 4a8bd8aa 编写于 作者: Q qkqpttgf 提交者: GitHub

add hideFunctionalityFile

上级 7ccf9931
......@@ -244,13 +244,13 @@
foreach ($files['children'] as $file) {
// Files
if (isset($file['file'])) {
if ($_SERVER['admin'] or (substr($file['name'],0,1) !== '.' and $file['name'] !== getConfig('passfile') ) ) {
if (strtolower($file['name']) === 'head.md') $head = $file;
if (strtolower($file['name']) === 'readme.md') $readme = $file;
if (strtolower($file['name']) === 'index.html' && !$_SERVER['admin']) {
$html = curl_request(fetch_files(spurlencode(path_format($path . '/' .$file['name']),'/'))['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'])['body'];
return output($html,200);
if (strtolower($file['name']) === 'head.md') $head = $file;
if (strtolower($file['name']) === 'readme.md') $readme = $file;
if (strtolower($file['name']) === 'index.html' && !$_SERVER['admin']) {
$html = curl_request(fetch_files(spurlencode(path_format($path . '/' .$file['name']),'/'))['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'])['body'];
return output($html,200);
if ($_SERVER['admin'] or !isHideFile($file['name'])) {
$filenum++; ?>
<tr data-to id="tr<?php echo $filenum;?>">
<td class="file">
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