未验证 提交 739f42e2 编写于 作者: Q qkqpttgf 提交者: GitHub

try to fix login in proxy

上级 6abedbaf
......@@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@ function adminform($name = '', $pass = '', $path = '')
$html = '<html><head><title>' . getconstStr('AdminLogin') . '</title><meta charset=utf-8></head>';
if ($name!=''&&$pass!='') {
$html .= '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;URL=' . $path . '"><body>' . getconstStr('LoginSuccess') . '</body></html>';
$statusCode = 302;
$statusCode = 201;
$header = [
'Set-Cookie' => $name . '=' . $pass . '; path=/; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, strtotime('+1hour')),
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